How to delete Page?


I have created a few Page DocType.

But now I want to delete a few of them.

I do not get any options to delete them even after I select them in the List.

How to delete Page?


Yogi Yang

Here’s how I’ve done it recently:

bench console
In [1]: frappe.delete_doc('Page', "page-to-delete", force=True)

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Thanks for the tip. I will check it out.

But what really bugs me is that why this delete facility is not provided in the Browser?


Yogi Yang

Yeah, it used to be available. It happens infrequently enough that it makes sense to not allowed it from the UI, at least in the context of, which probably explains it.

Maybe this would work too.

Go to role permissions manager → Add delete permission to System Manager for Page Doctype.

By default, many DocTypes may not have this enabled.


I believe @Smit_Vora’s response might be correct here. I’m able to delete pages without issue.

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Thanks for your help.

Finally I did manage to delete the Page but it did not remove the Directory of that page from Page directory nor did it remove any files.


Yogi Yang