How to create progress bar In Sales Invoice

Hi @Shraddha33,

Please share your script with the field name?


Hello NCP

There are some errors in this code, i just try… Please guide :slight_smile:

frappe.ui.form.on(‘Sales Invoice’, {
refresh(frm) {

	// your code here
    function compute('Sales Invoice', 'per_remain'){
    if (doc.outstanding_amount && doc.base_grand_total)
    { //it's check if the fields contains a value
      doc.remain = (doc.outstanding_amount / doc.base_grand_total) * 100;
            cur_frm.cscript.base_grand_total = compute;

              cur_frm.cscript.outstanding_amount  = compute;


Thanks in advance

Hi @Shraddha33,

In this case, the custom/client script does not work because when the outstanding amount updates then your per remain not to update.

auto-trigger does not work in a custom/client script, it’s worked on the server-side.

So better way you can make a query report and set a condition in a report.

Thank You!

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We are working on Frappe Cloud, I don’t know about query report and all. Please guide me.

Hi @Shraddha33,

If you are a system admin then you can make a query report.

Please check it.


I have basic understanding of SQL queries. Can you please help me about this

Hi @Shraddha33,

Please apply and check it:

Query Code:

    `tabSales Invoice`.name as `Invoice No:Link/Sales Invoice:120`,
    (`tabSales Invoice`.outstanding_amount * 100) / `tabSales Invoice`.rounded_total as `Per Remain (%%):Percentage:150`
    From `tabSales Invoice`
    `tabSales Invoice`.docstatus = 1

You can set a field as per your according in a query report.

If do not understand then check this topic.

Thank You!

Hi Shradha

You can also try server scripting for the same


Hi Nihantra,
Thanks for solution :blush:
I will try this …

Hello @NCP and @Ranbir,
We are using FC … So I just have basic understanding of programming. Can you please help me for server scripting.

Hello @NCP,
Thanks for solution :blush:.
It works well for rounded total :+1:, but when I disable rounded total that time it shows me nothing…
Then how to rectify this .
Also I want to import this values in ‘Per Remain’ field by import option, I make this field as ‘allow on submit’ but this field is unedited after submit.
Waiting for your positive response.
Thanks in advance

Hi @Shraddha33,

If disable rounded total then select grand total.
After applying then check its report.


Hello @NCP,
thanks for your response.
but if i want to apply both the condition like select rounded total if null then choose grand total.
and ho

I want to import this values in ‘Per Remain’ field by import option, I make this field as ‘allow on submit’ but this field is unedited after submit.

how can i edit custom field after submit

Hi @Shraddha33,

In case, you can use the below query.

        WHEN `tabSales Invoice`.rounded_total = 0 THEN (`tabSales Invoice`.outstanding_amount * 100) / `tabSales Invoice`.grand_total
        ELSE (`tabSales Invoice`.outstanding_amount * 100) / `tabSales Invoice`.rounded_total
        END AS `Per Remain (%%):Percentage:150`

More details for check SQL for: SQL CASE Expression

It’s very difficult to implement because of field change for use js and method calling in py so both sides use to implementation. so I will think.

Thank You!

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thank you
It works :slight_smile:

Per Remain
I just want to edit this field without coding then how can i

It’s not possible.


No problem.
Thanks for your prompt reply :slight_smile:

Hi @Shraddha33,

If not enable the server script then enable it in FC.

Then Apply the server script like when submitting your payment entry then update the sales invoice field per remain:
But set your field to allow after submitting for Per remain

for d in doc.get('references'):
    test_name = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice",{'name':d.reference_name},'name')
    if test_name:
        test_doc = frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice",test_name)
        if test_doc.rounded_total == 0:
            test_doc.remain = (test_doc.outstanding_amount * 100) / test_doc.grand_total
            test_doc.remain = (test_doc.outstanding_amount * 100) / test_doc.rounded_total

Please set the variable your according.
Then check it.

Hope you do understand.

Thank You! :slight_smile:

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hello @NCP,
Thanks for your reply.
Its works. :smiley:

I think you have a problem solved.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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