How to check if a Doc is Submitted?


I am trying to add a button to a custom DocType that I have created.

But the button is always visible to user.

Instead I want to make the button visible only if the Doc is submitted.

How can we check if a Doc is submitted in Client Script?


Yogi Yang

@YogiYang You can do the checking and then create a custom button through a Client Script.


I have created a custom script to add button and it is working.

But I want to show the button only after a user submits a DocType.


Yogi Yang

@YogiYang You can use the following code:

if (!frm.is_new() && frm.doc.docstatus === 1) {
    // create the button

!frm.is_new() checks if the form has been saved or not but doesn’t check if it has been submitted.

The values of docstatus are:

  1. Draft (value: 0)
  2. Submitted (value: 1)
  3. Cancelled (value: 2)


Thanks for your help.

This code works for me.

if (frm.doc.docstatus === 1) {
            var start_btn = frm.add_custom_button(__('Start Production'), function() {
                frappe.throw(__("This feature is under development"));


Yogi Yang