How to amend fiscal year?

While creating the first fiscal year 2012-2013 I’ve mistakenly set Year Start Date as 01 of July, it should be 1 apr. Now My annual balance doesn’t shows correctly and I can’t amend Year Start Date value. Can you please assist?

Best wishes,

Hi Slava,
You can delete this Fiscal Year and create new one with correct Start Date.
If you don’t see option to Delete Fiscal Year, assign yourself a Cancel Permission for Fiscal Year from Permission Manager.
Hope this helps.

Hi Slava,

You will not able to delete fiscal year record, as it is linked with all transactions. We can change the year start date from back end, please send an email at, requesting for this.

Nabin Hait

I just realized that you are using your own server. You can change “year start date”, directly through mysql update query from console.