How to add a link to a custom module to the desktop under development environment?

I was able to successfully install both develop- and production- environments.

Following the tutorial, I created a custom app stub. It works as intended, including roles, permissions and desktop integration under Productoin environment.

However I was not be able to add a link to the Desktop under Development environment. I also am not able to grant access to the app stub from the user profile as my app is not present in the list in the user profile. I know the app is installed and works, since I’m able to search for my DocTypes, create records and generate lists.

How do I fix this?

However I was not be able to add a link to the Desktop under Development environment.

Okay, I found the solution.

You have to create a .py file: [app_name]/[app_name]/config/[app_name].py

Next, you need to define a get_data() function like this:

from frappe import _
def get_data():
    return [
        "label": _("[group box label]"),
        "icon": "icon name",
        "items": [
                "type": "doctype",
                "name": "doctype_name",
                "label": _("doctype link text"),
                "onboard": 1   # this will pin current doctype to the desk in dev mode