How to access the files created by `bench backup` command?


I issued the command bench backup --verbose --compress. Here I got following success messages:

mysqldump --single-transaction --quick --lock-tables=false -u erpnext13 -p********** erpnext13 -h -P 3306   | /usr/bin/gzip >> ./erpnext13/private/backups/20220801_122914-erpnext13-database.sql.gz

Backup Summary for erpnext13 at 2022-08-01 12:29:18.683416
Config  : ./erpnext13/private/backups/20220801_122914-erpnext13-site_config_backup.json 172.0B
Database: ./erpnext13/private/backups/20220801_122914-erpnext13-database.sql.gz         1.9MiB
Public  : ./erpnext13/private/backups/20220801_122914-erpnext13-files.tgz               139.0B
Private : ./erpnext13/private/backups/20220801_122914-erpnext13-private-files.tgz       6.1KiB

Backup for Site erpnext13 has been successfully completed with files

I want to move the backup files from their default location but I am not able to access the files.

How to access the files created by bench backup?


Yogi Yang

use Download Backups app to see your backups

to copy them or remove them you will need to have ssh or sftp access to the server

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Thanks for help.

Just one last question. If my server is not starting then can I get access to Backups taken in past?


Yogi Yang

if the server is down you cannot reach the system and backups, you can link the backups with dropbox
check out this link: