How segregate Journal Entry to many form

In Journal Entry form we have Entry Type combo-box to define entry type, I don’t like this.

I want to create different form for each type like

  • form for Journal Entry
  • form for bank Entry
  • form for cash Entry
  • form for credit card Entry and so on …

Mohammed Redha

@Mohammed_Redha You will have to create custom doctypes. Will suggest you not to do so and use the existing form.

If I create custom doctype how I can keep same functionality for each one of them?

@Mohammed_Redha No. Some features will break. Whats your use case ? Maybe we can suggest you an alternate way.

My use case is mention above , the current form is consolidate Journal ,bank ,cash ,credit card form in one form so I want to segregate them to different form for more control .

so each form will get Handel by one employee like :smile:
employee A can access Journal Entry form.
employee B can access bank Entry form.
employee C can access cash Entry form.
employee D can access credit card Entry form.

@neilLasrado Any suggestions?

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