How can i import employee attendance in an excel sheet every month for payroll purpose?


  1. I want to add employees attendance for using payroll. The attendance should be able to added monthly in bulk manner for all employees and it should be reflected in payroll entry and salary slips.
  2. And second thing is can we assign a salary structure for all employees ( wages are not same for all employees ) with help of excel sheet importing.

Is this possible in ERPNext ???
Please help me to solve this.

Yes, you can configure these cases in ERPNext.

I want to add employees attendance for using payroll. The attendance should be able to add monthly in bulk manner for all employees and it should be reflected in payroll entry and salary slips.

You can upload bulk attendance, learn more here
For it to be considered during payroll, please donā€™t forget to enable ā€œValidate Attendanceā€ during creation of Payroll Entry

And second thing is can we assign a salary structure for all employees ( wages are not same for all employees ) with help of excel sheet importing.

You can create and assign salary structures to the employees as required. Learn more here. For importing, use the Data Import Tool.

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@jaichavan i uploaded attendance from ā€œupload attendanceā€ for previous month (July). and i tried to make salary slip for July for the same employee. but it is not reflecting in Salary slip. 3 days were Absent. They are not reflecting in Salary Slip at all. Showing payment days as 31.
As i uploaded it should shown as 28, isnā€™t it ?

when i changed Absent to ā€œOn Leaveā€ error is getting like ā€œNo leave record found for employee CN00001 on 23-07-2019ā€

Why it is happening so ? Why Absent is not getting reflected ??

@rajeeb Attendance does not affect payment days. You have to manually process leave without pay for each employee for the absent days for it to be subtracted from their monthly wage.


Iā€™ve been facing this issue. I mean ā€œValidate Attendanceā€ gives me the option to recheck the attendance marking for employees. but if an employee is actually absent, then while processing payroll and creating salary slips, the working days should be ā€œworking days - absent daysā€.

Otherwise this feature does not fulfill the very requirement that it should fulfill.
Do you have any idea how can I avail that?

@fnrfarid No i never found a way to do this. Several other threads were introduced either by me or others about this seeming missing feature and after much hassle about it, something is now being done about it.

This new feature being tested solves the problem we face but unfortunately it wonā€™t be available until a new version (v13 maybe) is released as per the developer ETA. So until then we just have to sit tight and manage what we have. You can also visit the GitHub page and give your comments about it if any.

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Iā€™ve read the thread and I have also commented two suggestions. One is to consider multiple days late as absent or leave without pay and the other one is to have both option if someone wants to process payroll based on both ā€œabsentā€ or ā€œleave without payā€.

I hope they will consider my suggestions while developing the feature. And thank you for providing me the thread link.