Hi, im not able to create new order using curl , please help

https://xxx.frappecloud.com/api/resource/Sales Order/New Sales Order

“data”: {
“sales_order_details”: [

            "item_code": "CSAB824",
    "customer": "yash"
    "delivery_date": "2015-06-25"


What am i missing ?

Your post is missing the HTTP status code.

Status code: 200

then, it’s all OK

But it does not update anything on the erpnext !

Can you share a snippet for this, if you have one !

Are you sending as POST / PUT

It will only commit if you send as POST / PUT

I am sending as POST

The same issue im facing in creating new customer address

Can you share your code?

I am using Postman

Here is the screenshot

just use /api/resource/Sales Order

by giving New Sales Order your are trying to update that record (if it exists)

@rmehta thanks a lot ! it worked :+1: