Help Needed: Refreshed Role permision for the the ToDo secction, and it disapeared for all users in the ERP

Hi I´m new to using ERPNext, and have a problem with the ToDo Doctype.

I was playing around with the authorization rules for different role users for the ToDo Documents, and after not liking the changes I clicked the Restore Original permission -for all users- that is next to the add new rule button.

After this the access to it for all users disappeared from the tools menu, and, not even the admin has right to set up the permissions for that doc-type so it doesn’t show on the list of doctypes in the Role permission Manager to regain access to it.

I have checked if the ToDo doctype was messed up via setup>doc-type, and the ToDo is still there, but I can´t regain access to it from there either.

What can I do to reset permissions for admin to that doc type so I can regain the ToDo access in Tools for all Users??

I’m currently running bench version 4.1.0 and ERPNext: v7.2.12.


Try bench reset-perms command to reset the permissions for all doctype from frappe-bench directory.


Isn’t there a way to reset the permissions only for that doctype?? I have made several changes to different user types and wouldn’t want to have to set them again.