Guatemalan Tax Requirements


There are several Guatemalan tax requirements that we haven’t been able to customize.

  1. Gas Tax: If we buy 10 gallons of gasoline at Q15 each (total Q150). The gas tax is deducted first at Q4 for every gallon of gasoline (total Q40). The VAT tax is equal to 12% of the difference between Q150 and Q40, which is 13.2%. There are three possible gas tax rates, Q4/gallon, Q3/gallon, Q2/gallon. It depends on the type of gas.

  2. Tourism Tax: The invoice for staying at a hotel equals Q100. The tourism tax is 10%, so Q10. The VAT tax is equal to 12% of the difference between Q100 and Q10, so Q10.8. The tourism tax rate is always the same.

  3. Electricity Tax: The invoice is for Q100. Electricity tax is Q15. VAT is equal to 12% of the difference between Q100 and Q15. The electricity tax amount varies.

At the very least, we need to be able to manually enter the amount of the item tax and the VAT needs to be calculated on the difference between the invoice total and the item tax. How can we accomplish this?

Thank you,
Sofia Liska

@sofia Having the same problem as you, we developed this solution on our own application that tackles electronic invoicing in Guatemala.
Electronic Invoicing for Guatemala (plus excise tax calculations)