GST Setting Help

I need help in configuring this GST Setting Section. What has to be added in CGST Account, SGST Account, IGST Account, CESS Account columns.

Thanks in advance.

Simply select the GST account heads. If you’ve created separate accounts for the slabs, then select accordingly.

Thank you for the reply. Just want to know do we need to create seperate heads like CGST 9 or CGST 14 so on… under CGST. Or is it ok if we have only CGST as a whole.

By default there’s a single CGST, IGST, and SGST account. You can configure it the way you want.

Is it ok if we keep only these default accounts as we deal with services which has only 18 % GST. SO CGST 9, SGST 9 and IGST 18. So no need to create the different account for each of the percentage. Am I right.

Yes @vijaypatel, no need to create individual account heads as per percentage. For that, you can set it using Sales / Purchase Taxes and Charges Template, this link will help: