Glossary of Terms

Continuing the discussion from Is there a Glossary of terms somewhere?:

I started to write a Glossary of Terms and put it on github.

As I don’t know much about ERPNext/frappe/bench yet (which is one reason I started it) I hope for contributions. Now I think there might be many users which could contribute but are not as technically involved to handle contributing on github I will post a copy here. Anybody how wants to elaborate, or correct on the terms already existing or can contribute about any other term … feel free to use this thread to do so. I will transfer this to the github repo.

If anyone from the core team could advise at which point in time it is ready do a PR, please let me know.

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this is a stubb of a to be build “Glossary of Terms” for ERPNext (Status: 2015-01-29)


#Glossary of Terms

Site - is something like the ‘frame’ for and ERPNext/frappe installation. It contains the database, backups, Apps. If one wanted to run multiple instances of ERPNext he/she would setup several ‘sites’

Like (in Filter to filter list items) - same meaning as “Contains” (i.e Filter term ‘SIN’ will find Sales Invoices (SINV). “Like” has no ability to find misstyped terms though. It will not find ‘tasks’, when searching for ‘taks’. ‘Like’ is not case sensitive

Equals (in Filter to filter list items) - will Filter the exact term which is put in. (i.e. Filter term ‘SINV-0001’ will find one specific Sales Invoice (SINV-0001). Neither ‘SINV’ nor ‘SIN*’ will find any Sales Invoice (SINV-xxxxx). ‘Equals’ is not case sensitive

Filter - [add definition here]

Rate (as in Sales Order, Invoices, …) - the price per Unit sold/purchased

Frappe Framework - the Web Application ERPNext is build upon. It is delpoyable on any *nix Operating System (Linux, Unix, BSD, MacOS) [needs more knowledgeble explanation maybe]

framework - [add definition here]

App - a user programm which provides functionality (i.e. Accounting, CRM,…). An ‘App’ in this context has an API so it can connect to other apps

API - [add definition here]

bench - [add definition here]

Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - is the Company that has originally developed ERPNext and the frappe framework. I assume it is also the copyright owner of both.

ERPNext Software Foundation - is a yet to be started Foundation that, in order to guarantuee the Open Source Nature not being changed, shall overtake governance of the ERPNext and frappe Software. [question: will it become the copyright owner as well?] [needs more specification definetly]

Submit - by submitting a Document (Sales Order, Invoices, Jounal Vouchers [probably also Warehouse operations which I have not dealt with yet], etc.) it changes from being a draft (which actually does not yet have any impact on any values (like sum of money in a bank account, or Stock level of an Item) to an actual entry to the system which actual records something.
Once a Document has been submitted it still can be withdrawn (Cancel) and adjusted (Amend) but these changes or cancellations are being recorded by ERPNext. If you ‘Cancel’ a submitted Sales Invoice (SINV-0001), ‘Amend’ it and re-submit this Amended version it will appear as SINV-0001-1 in your records. In order to be able to retrace such a change or cancellation the original document (SINV-0001 in our example here) will still be existing in a ‘cancelled’ state. It’s value do not add up to the actual numbers though.

Cancel - you can ‘cancel’ a submitted document which means that it’s impact on your system is being ‘withdrawn’. If you cancel a ‘Journal Voucher’ for example the Voucher will still exist as a Document, but there will be now accounting entries in your accounts.

Amend - to change or adjust a cancelled document, so a correct Version of it can be submitted again. The original Document will continue to exist for traceablility reason. The Amended version will be named like JV-00001-1 (assuming the orignal (cancelled) Document was named JV-00001)

Journal Voucher - [add definition here]

Sales Invoice - [add definition here]

Purchase Invoice - has the same logic/functionality as a ‘Sales Invoice’. the differnce being it is issued for Purchase from your Suppliers, so you have to pay money in order to receive goods (Items)

Refresh - [add definition here. should also explain difference to ‘Reload’]

Reload - [add definition here. should also explain difference to ‘Refresh’]

Developer Mode - [add more detailed infos here]. Once you are in Developer Mode the user Administrator can see the names of the database fields while hovering over a Label in any Documents field (i.e. hovering over the “Full Name” in a Customer Form shows you the database field name (customer_name) while hovering the mouse over it