GANTT Chart Freezes

Since 7.1.7 upgrade, when clicking on Project Gantt Chart the screen freezes and nothing happens. Anyone else experienced the same issue?

hi @iadr3805

yes but only if you have tasks that have either no start or enddate can remember what it was

Had a look all tasks have end and start dates.

Create a new project with start and end date and one task with start and end date and still the same issue. Only upgrade to 7.1 yesterday and this error started.

right just checked the start endateissue is gone.
but I havent updated since last week hence I will be unable to replicate the error
cant help on that one for now

Can you check if there is any error in your browser console.

Seems to be working on the Android App. Will try and look at browser errors.

I’m getting this error with IE 11. Not sure what it means.

SCRIPT5007: Unable to set property ‘scrollLeft’ of undefined or null reference
list.min.js (275,73)

Can you raise this on GitHub?

Will do.