Fresh Install: (1146, "Table '1bd3e0294da19198.tabDefaultValue' doesn't exist")


I’m doing a fresh install on a new server as per instruction on GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps

When launching: bench --site site1.local install-app erpnext

I get the above mentioned error. I followed step by step the guide.

Just to double check, did u get erpnext app?

bench get-app erpnext

Yes. Followed step by step. And all steps were successful. no errors. The database is actually there if you check in mysql

Are you in develop branch?

I suppose so. yes. As said I have followed all steps from the github page. Its a fresh install.

Hey! I’m having the same error! How did you fix it??

Can you pls list the tables in your database ?
bench mysql will open mysql, and type show tables;

Hellow there, I get the same error and here are my tables?

MariaDB [1bd3e0294da19198]> show tables;
| Tables_in_1bd3e0294da19198 |
| __Auth |
| __UserSettings |
| __global_search |
| tabAbout Us Team Member |
| tabAcademic Term |
| tabAcademic Year |
| tabAccount |
| tabActivity Cost |
| tabActivity Log |
| tabActivity Type |
| tabAddress |
| tabAddress Template |
| tabAppraisal |
| tabAppraisal Goal |
| tabAppraisal Template |
| tabAppraisal Template Goal |
| tabAssessment Criteria |
| tabAssessment Criteria Group |
| tabAssessment Group |
| tabAssessment Plan |
| tabAssessment Plan Criteria |
| tabAssessment Result |
| tabAssessment Result Detail |
| tabAsset |
| tabAsset Category |
| tabAsset Category Account |
| tabAsset Movement |
| tabAttendance |
| tabAuthentication Log |
| tabAuthorization Rule |
| tabAuto Email Report |
| tabBOM |
| tabBOM Explosion Item |
| tabBOM Item |
| tabBOM Operation |
| tabBOM Scrap Item |
| tabBOM Website Item |
| tabBOM Website Operation |
| tabBank Guarantee |
| tabBank Reconciliation Detail |
| tabBatch |
| tabBin |
| tabBlock Module |
| tabBlog Category |
| tabBlog Post |
| tabBlogger |
| tabBranch |
| tabBrand |
| tabBudget |
| tabBudget Account |
| tabC-Form |
| tabC-Form Invoice Detail |
| tabCampaign |
| tabCheque Print Template |
| tabCommunication |
| tabCompany |
| tabCompany History |
| tabContact |
| tabCost Center |
| tabCountry |
| tabCourse |
| tabCourse Assessment Criteria |
| tabCourse Schedule |
| tabCurrency |
| tabCurrency Exchange |
| tabCustom DocPerm |
| tabCustom Field |
| tabCustom Role |
| tabCustom Script |
| tabCustomer |
| tabCustomer Group |
| tabCustomize Form Field |
| tabCustoms Tariff Number |
| tabDaily Work Summary |
| tabDaily Work Summary Settings Company |
| tabDefaultValue |
| tabDeleted Document |
| tabDelivery Note |
| tabDelivery Note Item |
| tabDepartment |
| tabDependent Task |
| tabDepreciation Schedule |
| tabDesignation |
| tabDesktop Icon |
| tabDocField |
| tabDocPerm |
| tabDocShare |
| tabDocType |
| tabDomain |
| tabDynamic Link |
| tabEmail Account |
| tabEmail Alert |
| tabEmail Alert Recipient |
| tabEmail Digest |
| tabEmail Domain |
| tabEmail Flag Queue |
| tabEmail Group |
| tabEmail Group Member |
| tabEmail Queue |
| tabEmail Queue Recipient |
| tabEmail Rule |
| tabEmail Unsubscribe |
| tabEmployee |
| tabEmployee Education |
| tabEmployee External Work History |
| tabEmployee Internal Work History |
| tabEmployee Leave Approver |
| tabEmployee Loan |
| tabEmployee Loan Application |
| tabEmployment Type |
| tabError Log |
| tabError Snapshot |
| tabEvent |
| tabExpense Claim |
| tabExpense Claim Account |
| tabExpense Claim Detail |
| tabExpense Claim Type |
| tabFee Category |
| tabFee Component |
| tabFee Structure |
| tabFeedback Request |
| tabFeedback Trigger |
| tabFees |
| tabFile |
| tabFiscal Year |
| tabFiscal Year Company |
| tabFooter Item |
| tabGL Entry |
| tabGender |
| tabGrading Scale |
| tabGrading Scale Interval |
| tabGuardian |
| tabGuardian Interest |
| tabGuardian Student |
| tabHas Domain |
| tabHas Role |
| tabHelp Article |
| tabHelp Category |
| tabHoliday |
| tabHoliday List |
| tabHomepage Featured Product |
| tabIndustry Type |
| tabInstallation Note |
| tabInstallation Note Item |
| tabInstructor |
| tabIntegration Request |
| tabInterest |
| tabIssue |
| tabItem |
| tabItem Attribute |
| tabItem Attribute Value |
| tabItem Customer Detail |
| tabItem Group |
| tabItem Price |
| tabItem Quality Inspection Parameter |
| tabItem Reorder |
| tabItem Supplier |
| tabItem Tax |
| tabItem Variant |
| tabItem Variant Attribute |
| tabItem Website Specification |
| tabJob Applicant |
| tabJob Opening |
| tabJournal Entry |
| tabJournal Entry Account |
| tabKanban Board |
| tabKanban Board Column |
| tabLanded Cost Item |
| tabLanded Cost Purchase Receipt |
| tabLanded Cost Taxes and Charges |
| tabLanded Cost Voucher |
| tabLanguage |
| tabLead |
| tabLead Source |
| tabLeave Allocation |
| tabLeave Application |
| tabLeave Block List |
| tabLeave Block List Allow |
| tabLeave Block List Date |
| tabLeave Type |
| tabLetter Head |
| tabLoan Type |
| tabMaintenance Schedule |
| tabMaintenance Schedule Detail |
| tabMaintenance Schedule Item |
| tabMaintenance Visit |
| tabMaintenance Visit Purpose |
| tabManufacturer |
| tabMaterial Request |
| tabMaterial Request Item |
| tabMode of Payment |
| tabMode of Payment Account |
| tabModule Def |
| tabMonthly Distribution |
| tabMonthly Distribution Percentage |
| tabNewsletter |
| tabNewsletter Email Group |
| tabNote |
| tabNote Seen By |
| tabOAuth Authorization Code |
| tabOAuth Bearer Token |
| tabOAuth Client |
| tabOffer Letter |
| tabOffer Letter Term |
| tabOffer Term |
| tabOperation |
| tabOpportunity |
| tabOpportunity Item |
| tabPOS Customer Group |
| tabPOS Item Group |
| tabPOS Profile |
| tabPacked Item |
| tabPacking Slip |
| tabPacking Slip Item |
| tabPage |
| tabParty Account |
| tabParty Type |
| tabPatch Log |
| tabPayment Entry |
| tabPayment Entry Deduction |
| tabPayment Entry Reference |
| tabPayment Gateway |
| tabPayment Gateway Account |
| tabPayment Reconciliation Invoice |
| tabPayment Reconciliation Payment |
| tabPayment Request |
| tabPeriod Closing Voucher |
| tabPortal Menu Item |
| tabPrice List |
| tabPrice List Country |
| tabPricing Rule |
| tabPrint Format |
| tabPrint Heading |
| tabProduct Bundle |
| tabProduct Bundle Item |
| tabProduction Order |
| tabProduction Order Item |
| tabProduction Order Operation |
| tabProduction Plan Item |
| tabProduction Plan Material Request |
| tabProduction Plan Sales Order |
| tabProgram |
| tabProgram Course |
| tabProgram Enrollment |
| tabProgram Enrollment Course |
| tabProgram Enrollment Fee |
| tabProgram Enrollment Tool Student |
| tabProgram Fee |
| tabProject |
| tabProject Task |
| tabProject User |
| tabProperty Setter |
| tabPurchase Invoice |
| tabPurchase Invoice Advance |
| tabPurchase Invoice Item |
| tabPurchase Order |
| tabPurchase Order Item |
| tabPurchase Order Item Supplied |
| tabPurchase Receipt |
| tabPurchase Receipt Item |
| tabPurchase Receipt Item Supplied |
| tabPurchase Taxes and Charges |
| tabPurchase Taxes and Charges Template |
| tabQuality Inspection |
| tabQuality Inspection Reading |
| tabQuotation |
| tabQuotation Item |
| tabQuotation Lost Reason |
| tabRepayment Schedule |
| tabReport |
| tabRequest for Quotation |
| tabRequest for Quotation Item |
| tabRequest for Quotation Supplier |
| tabRole |
| tabRoom |
| tabSMS Log |
| tabSMS Parameter |
| tabSalary Component |
| tabSalary Component Account |
| tabSalary Detail |
| tabSalary Slip |
| tabSalary Slip Timesheet |
| tabSalary Structure |
| tabSalary Structure Employee |
| tabSales Invoice |
| tabSales Invoice Advance |
| tabSales Invoice Item |
| tabSales Invoice Payment |
| tabSales Invoice Timesheet |
| tabSales Order |
| tabSales Order Item |
| tabSales Partner |
| tabSales Person |
| tabSales Taxes and Charges |
| tabSales Taxes and Charges Template |
| tabSales Team |
| tabSalutation |
| tabSchool House |
| tabSerial No |
| tabSeries |
| tabSessions |
| tabShipping Rule |
| tabShipping Rule Condition |
| tabShipping Rule Country |
| tabSingles |
| tabStandard Reply |
| tabStock Entry |
| tabStock Entry Detail |
| tabStock Ledger Entry |
| tabStock Reconciliation |
| tabStock Reconciliation Item |
| tabStudent |
| tabStudent Admission |
| tabStudent Applicant |
| tabStudent Attendance |
| tabStudent Batch Name |
| tabStudent Category |
| tabStudent Group |
| tabStudent Group Creation Tool Course |
| tabStudent Group Instructor |
| tabStudent Group Student |
| tabStudent Guardian |
| tabStudent Language |
| tabStudent Leave Application |
| tabStudent Log |
| tabStudent Sibling |
| tabStudent Siblings |
| tabSupplier |
| tabSupplier Quotation |
| tabSupplier Quotation Item |
| tabSupplier Type |
| tabTag |
| tabTag Category |
| tabTag Doc Category |
| tabTarget Detail |
| tabTask |
| tabTask Depends On |
| tabTax Rule |
| tabTerms and Conditions |
| tabTerritory |
| tabTimesheet |
| tabTimesheet Detail |
| tabToDo |
| tabTop Bar Item |
| tabTraining Event |
| tabTraining Event Employee |
| tabTraining Feedback |
| tabTraining Result |
| tabTraining Result Employee |
| tabTranslation |
| tabUOM |
| tabUOM Conversion Detail |
| tabUnhandled Email |
| tabUser |
| tabUser Email |
| tabUser Permission |
| tabVehicle |
| tabVehicle Log |
| tabVehicle Service |
| tabVersion |
| tabWarehouse |
| tabWarranty Claim |
| tabWeb Form |
| tabWeb Form Field |
| tabWeb Page |
| tabWebsite Item Group |
| tabWebsite Sidebar |
| tabWebsite Sidebar Item |
| tabWebsite Slideshow |
| tabWebsite Slideshow Item |
| tabWebsite Theme |
| tabWorkflow |
| tabWorkflow Action |
| tabWorkflow Document State |
| tabWorkflow State |
| tabWorkflow Transition |
| tabWorkstation |
| tabWorkstation Working Hour

Am missing the Warehouse table, how can I create one?

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I’d be grateful too please for pointers to say schema sql build scripts.

I have no clue where these live, thanks.

edit: imports the data definition of core tables tabDocField, tabDocPerm, tabDocType, tabSeries, tabSessions, tabSingles, __Auth, tabFile, tabDefaultValue

This will create it…BUT…it is patching a festering wound with a bandaid - there is probably something more sinsiter than just a single table that went weird on you

CREATE TABLE tabWarehouse (
name varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
creation datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL,
modified datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL,
modified_by varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
owner varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
docstatus int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
parent varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
parentfield varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
parenttype varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
idx int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
pin varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
email_id varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
disabled int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
lft int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
parent_warehouse varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
mobile_no varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
city varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
rgt int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
_comments text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
state varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
_liked_by text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
company varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
_assign text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
is_group int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
warehouse_name varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
_user_tags text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
account varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
old_parent varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
phone_no varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
address_line_2 varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
address_line_1 varchar(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
KEY parent_warehouse (parent_warehouse),
KEY company (company),
KEY parent (parent)

The whole thing is buried somewhere in the .travis.yml files (probably with good reason)

If this fresh install is by root user, and not sudo as recommended, best to simply abandon this install problem as a waste of time?

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I have install by a sudo user but getting the same problem.
Before that error the below msg came
WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!

This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: `pip install frappe-bench

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