Frappe Docker install versioning


Trying the Docker installation using this guide. My .env looks like this


and this message at docker-compose

Pulling frappe-socketio (frappe/frappe-socketio:13.7.0)…
Trying to pull repository
manifest for frappe/frappe-socketio:13.7.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
ERROR: manifest for frappe/frappe-socketio:13.7.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Should major versions be used ?

You missed “v”?

it’s v13.7.0 not just 13.7.0?

Trying to load the site in a lynx browser and getting this message:

SSL error:host(localhost)!=cert(CN:SAN<DNS=e700

Then 404.

Possible a local DNS issue, this is on a new hosting service.