Frappe Academy - Importing Data to ERPNext

The Legacy import tool is only accessible to system manager role so if you are not system manager a search for it will return no results


Hey, I tried a Sales Order import each with a single line item. They were imported as expected.

What version of Frappe did it not work as expected?

This was in version v13.0.0-beta.3

Will test in v13.0.0-beta.4

@netchampfaris We have reported severally that imports for single line items work. The issue is when you have to import with multiple line items.

This PR was merged recently. Can you confirm if the import works with multiple line items now?

@netchampfaris i just tried the new data import tool now. While much of the errors earlier noted have been cleared, it still requires Type (Sales Taxes and Charges) Account Head (Sales Taxes and Charges) Description (Sales Taxes and Charges) as compulsory fields for each item line, thus calculating taxes per item line even though the tax is based on net total and not on each item: