Fixture with custom script

I note that when i export custom scripts and custom fields as fixture it exports all custom scripts and fields, the ones that already exist and the ones that i create for my app.

As an example. I have one app, app1, that i need to make a custom field and a custom script for Item doctype and another app, app2, that i made with others customers fields and scripts for Customer doctype to satisfy his needs. Than i need to export in both file, customers script and field. I need to do that in both because each app is like a module and no need for both to be installed at the same time, and neither one needs the customers script or field of the other.

I would like to do some thing like this:
in app 1:
fixtures = [
[“Custom Field”, “name of the customer file for app 1”],
[“Custom Script”, “name of the customer script for app 1”]

in app 2:

fixtures = [
[“Custom Field”, “name of the customer file for app 2”],
[“Custom Script”, “name of the customer script for app 2”]

In this way each app gets just what they need for install in another project and don’t carry others junks.

There is some thing like this? If not, it is possible to make it like this? Is this in yours route map?


  1. For development, keep your apps in separate sites.
  2. Use the “after_install” hook and add your custom fields accordingly.

This is not in the immediate list, you can add it to GitHub for future reference.