Filters for grouping employees

How do I add filters so that I can group employees as per reporting to their respective manager?? Please help I am new to erpnext

Where do you want to add filters please elaborate more.

I want to add filter as “sales manager” such that when I select a sales manager I get the sales person reporting to respective sales manager as well as the sales order details prepared by the sales person. I want to add these filters in report.

On which report? Is it standard report or script report?

Its a script report. I am not getting any output.Please help

#Below is my JS filter code

frappe.query_reports["Reports For Sales Manager Based On Team"] = {
    "filters": [
                    'label': __("Reports To"),
                    'fieldname': 'employee',
                    'fieldtype': 'Link',
                    'options': 'Sales Person',
                    'default': 'Select Reporting Manager',
                    'reqd': 1

#Below is my python code

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils

def execute(filters=None):
    if not filters: filters = {}

    columns = get_columns()
    data = get_sales_order(filters)

    return columns, data

def get_columns():
    return [
            _("Sales Person") + ":Data:120", _("Name") + ":Link/Sales Order:120",
            _("Company") + ":Data:200", _("customer") + ":Link/Customer:350"

def get_sales_order(filters):
    conditions = get_conditions(filters)
    return frappe.db.sql("""Select sales_person, name, employee_name, company, customer
    from tabSales Order where status != 'Cancelled'""" %conditions, as_list=1)

def get_conditions(filters):
    conditions = ""
    if filters.get("reports_to"):
            reports_to = ["Hars Pathak", "Anan Chakraborty", "Rahul Kaushal"].index(filters["reports_to"]) + 1
            conditions += "and reports_to(employee) = '%s'" % reports_to

    return conditions

You can add a custom filter on .js file.
frappe.query_reports[“Your report name”] = {
“filters”: [
“label”: __(“Sales Manager”),
“fieldtype”: “Link”,
“options”: “User”,
get_query:function() {
return {
“query”:“your path to query”



You have to return a query by filtering user as per role as sales manager