Fetching without script

Hi, I want to automatically display a custom DocType - which I added to the Customer DocType - in the Sales Invoice DocType after I select the Customer, like for example the Territory Field. But it wont display automatically. Why doesn’t it work?

Maybe this doesnt work with a custom doctype but a normal custom data Field?


Please see this to fetch value Territory of customer into Sales Invoice

Can i only print this in the Quotation or can i print this on the Invoice too? - Can I transfere/fetch the Quotation id into another doctype (Sales Invoice) in order to print it?
Thank You

@Dominik_Granig Hi, this will fetch vat_id of customer from customer into Sales Invoice.

For printing you just need to write {{ doc.vat_id }}

Please have a look at http://frappe.github.io/frappe/user/tutorial/
So you can understand more

Thank You very much.
Do you maybe know the name of the quotation id? Because i need it in the sales Invoice so I can print it on my Invoice. But the quotation and the sales invoice are not directly connected.

You can find quotation id in sales invoice item.