Fetch Custom Field on get item from option

Hello everyone,

I want to add some custom field on select of “Get Items from” option. Example in sales invoice we have option from get items from sales order. On selecting of a sales order i want to fetch one/two field value from sales order master. I need to do this by custom script.


You can use “Depends On”, if the condition is TRUE, then it’ll be showed up.

You didn’t understand my requirements


Give the same name to custom fields on both form Sales Order and Sales Invoice.
If it’s not worked. you have to override make_sales_invoice method from sales_order.py with custom method. Map your custom fields in that method.

doclist = get_mapped_doc("Sales Order", source_name, {
		"Sales Order": {
			"doctype": "Sales Invoice",
			"field_map": {
				"party_account_currency": "party_account_currency",
                                #map your custom fields here
			"validation": {
				"docstatus": ["=", 1]

add following lines to your hooks to override method.

override_whitelisted_methods = {
 	"erpnext.selling.doctype.sales_order.sales_order.make_sales_invoice": "your custom method path"

@Sangram I have tried but when fetch sales order, it shows

" You do not have enough permissions to access this resource. Please contact your manager to get access."

NB: I am logged in with administrator account.

I have whitelisted the method by @frappe.whitelist() in my custom app. After that an error showing that “job_number_test() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given)”

My code is
def job_number_test(doc,method):

doclist = get_mapped_doc("Sales Order", source_name, {
    "Sales Order": {
        "doctype": "Sales Invoice",
        "field_map": {
            "party_account_currency": "party_account_currency",
            "munim" : "munim1"

In hooks
override_whitelisted_methods = {