Fee Receipt - Print

Hi @scmmishra,
I do not see the feature to print the fee receipt for a student paying the fee.
Please guide.

Fee collection is done with the help of payment receipt.
Payment receipt will considered as Fee Receipt.

Just Change the print format according to your need.


Hi @rk_root ,
Thank you. But the payments receipt seems more like accounting instruction rather than fee receipt. The payment references table will not make much sense to the student. Is it possible to get the fee structure table instead in this document. So that the student gets to know the fee breakup.

@rk_root It does breakdown the fee components like so.


@helios-ventures This is exactly how a fee receipt is supposed to be. Request you to kindly share the style or format template to get this fee receipt.

In Payment receipt Reference you can list the particular fee record.

Just fetch required details from the fee record and edit the print format.

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Edit the fees template by clicking on customize and removing or adding the relevant fields

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I had seen this but the issue with Fees doctype is, it contains the date when the fee record was created and not when the payment was made. This is fine when you create fee record and receive the payment at the same time. But In my case, I create fee records using fee schedule and take the payments from students as and when they pay ( which may not be the same day). As such the date will not reflect the payment date.

Any suggestion to deal with this will be appreciated.

Hi @rk_root,

I like this approach and feel is the correct way of generating the fee receipt. But I am novice to HTML,CSS & Jinja, Is it possible for you to post the print format that can fetch me the fee break up in payment receipt.

You just fetch all the required data (fields) in child table and simply add the child table data in print format.

This is exactly what i was looking for and i found out by myself. Sharing so that It might help others.

{%- for row in doc.references -%}
{% set feesdoc = frappe.get_doc("Fees",row.reference_name) %}
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
            <th>Fees Category</th>
            <th class="text-right">Amount</th>
{%- for feerow in feesdoc.components -%}
            <td style="width: 10%;">{{ feerow.idx }}</td>
            <td style="width: 75%;">{{ feerow.fees_category }}</td>
            <td style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">{{
                feerow.get_formatted("amount", doc) or ''}}</td>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
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