Exporting Custom Workflow and States

I’m trying export a custom Workflow from a Quotation doctype, like this:

fixtures =  {"dt": "Workflow", "filters": [[
      "dt", "in", ("Quotation")

pymysql.err.InternalError: (1054, u"Unknown column 'tabWorkflow.dt' in 'where clause'")


try this

fixtures =  {"dt": "Workflow", "filters": [[
      "document_type", "in", ("Quotation")

nice, thank you!
how can you knewed about that?

nice, thank you!
how can you knewed about that?

Hi I guess. I see your error. Unknown column 'tabWorkflow.dt is must is col name. I check database tabWorkflow.document_type is name of Doctype

pymysql.err.InternalError: (1054, u"Unknown column 'tabWorkflow.dt' in 'where clause'")

Sorry, hi.
Hum see… so frappe recognized that I’m was appointing a column, not a table name, huh!
But my doubt is difference between “dt” and “document_type”, anyway, thank you

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