Expense Approver can not Approve Expenses

ERPNext: v8.11.4 (master)

Frappe Framework: v8.10.8 (master)

Expense Approval uses a Custom Script, to advance the status of an Employee Expense submission. It requires the Expense Approver to review the form and the attached documents (expense receipts) and then update the status from Draft to Approved. The process works for other Expense Approvers. But not for one Expense Approver in particular. His name is Lukas Torngren. He has the same role definition as others (he has the highest level of role permissions, including System Administrator). He is listed as an Expense Approver, and his name appears on the list of Expense Approvers and his name is selected by the Expense Approval Request person … but when he tries to update the status of an Expense Claim request, the field is greyed out and he can not change the status.

We don’t know what else to do.


Sorry for the delay in response.

Can you please share the Custom Script written for Expense Claim?

If you remove that Expense Claim, is Expense Claim approval working fine for Lukas Torngren?