Error when getting data


I just installed Erpnext version 6.23.6 on Debian Jessie. But when I use production planning tool I found that the “get sales order” and “get items” button is not functioning. The system did not get any data after I pressed the button. Nor did the “update cost” button in BOM. I cannot update the cost correctly. One of the items in BOM failed to update its cost while the other item in BOM could.

Is this a bug or did I set something wrong on my server? Please advise.

Do you have at least one of the filters set to get Sales Orders?

Yes I did. I created a sell order first. And then I selected the sale order in the filter and press the “get sales order” button below. However, nothing happened. This function works in my old server(version 6.9.2). The material requirement function broke though…

Am I the only one who has this issue? I think it could be duplicated.
I used an AWS Debian Jessie image to install Erpnext and use the provided on Github to install Erpnext.

@betula works for me. Check your JS console.

@rmehta I am not familiar with Javascript. Could you let me know what or where I should check? Thanks.

@rmehta The Javascript console only showed below log. No matter which button I pressed there is no other log output.

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check jquery.min.js:4

Is this normal? Thanks.