Error in Payment reconcilliation

We have recently updated our instance to version 13.
Ever since the update we are getting the following error at the payment reconciliation doctype.

request.js:251 TypeError: Cannot read property 'grid' of undefined
at init.set_invoice_options (eval at setup (script_manager.js:171), <anonymous>:241:33)
at Object.callback [as original_callback] (eval at setup (script_manager.js:171), <anonymous>:127:8)
at Object.e.doc.e.callback (form.js:1409)
at Object.success [as success_callback] (request.js:78)
at 200 (request.js:122)
at Object.<anonymous> (request.js:247)
at i (jquery.min.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
at z (jquery.min.js:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js:4)

@gurshish i have the same error do you got any solution

We have also got the same issue. !!! There is some bug in Payment reconciliation Module

No we haven’t found a proper solution yet there seems to be a bug in the js code for the payment reconciliation module. I tried tweaking it but there seems to be no change

okay i create this GitHub issue please follow it may be we can find solution


Having the same error.

not yet please follow the Github post to consider trying to consider it in the next update

I could solve this Issue by running
bench build
The grid system is new to version 13 and because the js code didn’t compile properly the command failed