Error in install procedure

 follow my screen with error

pls help me!!!
ro...@ip-172-31-15-74:~# python2.7 --create_user
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
Operating System = Linux
Python Version = 2.7.3
Distribution =  ubuntu
Installing Packages: (This may take some time)
python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb git memcached ntp vim screen htop
MySQL Root user's Password:
Installing Packages: mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
Installing Python Modules: (This may take some time)
Pre-requisites Installed
Cloning erpnext
Cloning wnframework

Installing ERPNext
ERPNext Database Name: erpnext
Created user erpnext
Created database erpnext
Granted privileges to user erpnext and database erpnext
Starting database import...
Imported from database lib/webnotes/../conf/Framework.sql
Installing app...
core | doctype | bulk_email
core | doctype | comment
core | doctype | communication
core | doctype | control_panel
core | doctype | custom_field
core | doctype | custom_script
core | doctype | customize_form
core | doctype | customize_form_field
core | doctype | default_home_page
core | doctype | defaultvalue
core | doctype | docfield
core | doctype | docperm
core | doctype | doctype
core | doctype | documentation_tool
core | doctype | event
core | doctype | event_role
core | doctype | event_user
core | doctype | file_data
core | doctype | letter_head
core | doctype | module_def
core | doctype | page
core | doctype | page_role
core | doctype | patch_log
core | doctype | print_format
core | doctype | profile
core | doctype | property_setter
core | doctype | report
core | doctype | role
core | doctype | scheduler_log
core | doctype | tag
core | doctype | todo
core | doctype | userrole
core | doctype | workflow
core | doctype | workflow_action
core | doctype | workflow_document_state
core | doctype | workflow_state
core | doctype | workflow_transition
core | page | data_import_tool
core | page | desktop
core | page | finder
core | page | messages
core | page | modules_setup
core | page | permission_manager
core | page | todo
core | page | user_properties
core | report | todo
website | doctype | about_us_settings
website | doctype | about_us_team_member
website | doctype | blog_category
website | doctype | blog_post
website | doctype | blog_settings
website | doctype | blogger
website | doctype | company_history
website | doctype | contact_us_settings
website | doctype | style_settings
website | doctype | table_of_contents
website | doctype | top_bar_item
website | doctype | web_page
website | doctype | website_script
website | doctype | website_settings
website | doctype | website_slideshow
website | doctype | website_slideshow_item
website | page | website_home
accounts | Print Format | Cheque Printing Format
accounts | Print Format | POS Invoice
accounts | Print Format | Payment Receipt Voucher
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Classic
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Modern
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Spartan
accounts | Print Format | SalesInvoice
accounts | doctype | account
accounts | doctype | accounts_settings
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution_detail
accounts | doctype | c_form
accounts | doctype | c_form_invoice_detail
accounts | doctype | cost_center
accounts | doctype | fiscal_year
accounts | doctype | gl_entry
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher_detail
accounts | doctype | mis_control
accounts | doctype | mode_of_payment
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail
accounts | doctype | period_closing_voucher
accounts | doctype | pos_setting
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule_condition
accounts | page | accounts_browser
accounts | page | accounts_home
accounts | page | financial_analytics
accounts | page | financial_statements
accounts | page | general_ledger
accounts | page | trial_balance
accounts | page | voucher_import_tool
accounts | report | accounts_payable
accounts | report | accounts_receivable
accounts | report | bank_clearance_summary
accounts | report | bank_reconciliation_statement
accounts | report | budget_variance_report
accounts | report | customer_account_head
accounts | report | delivered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | gross_profit
accounts | report | item_wise_purchase_register
accounts | report | item_wise_sales_register
accounts | report | ordered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | payment_collection_with_ageing
accounts | report | payment_made_with_ageing
accounts | report | purchase_invoice_trends
accounts | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | purchase_register
accounts | report | received_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | sales_invoice_trends
accounts | report | sales_partners_commission
accounts | report | sales_register
accounts | report | supplier_account_head
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Classic
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Modern
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Spartan
buying | doctype | buying_settings
buying | doctype | purchase_common
buying | doctype | purchase_order
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item_supplied
buying | doctype | purchase_receipt_item_supplied
buying | doctype | quality_inspection
buying | doctype | quality_inspection_reading
buying | doctype | supplier
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation_item
buying | page | buying_home
buying | page | purchase_analytics
buying | report | item_wise_purchase_history
buying | report | purchase_order_trends
buying | report | requested_items_to_be_ordered
buying | report | supplier_addresses_and_contacts
home | doctype | feed
home | page | activity
home | page | latest_updates
hr | doctype | appraisal
hr | doctype | appraisal_goal
hr | doctype | appraisal_template
hr | doctype | appraisal_template_goal
hr | doctype | attendance
hr | doctype | branch
hr | doctype | deduction_type
hr | doctype | department
hr | doctype | designation
hr | doctype | earning_type
hr | doctype | employee
hr | doctype | employee_education
hr | doctype | employee_external_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_internal_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_leave_approver
hr | doctype | employment_type
hr | doctype | expense_claim
hr | doctype | expense_claim_detail
hr | doctype | expense_claim_type
hr | doctype | grade
hr | doctype | holiday
hr | doctype | holiday_list
hr | doctype | hr_settings
hr | doctype | job_applicant
hr | doctype | job_opening
hr | doctype | leave_allocation
hr | doctype | leave_application
hr | doctype | leave_block_list
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_allow
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_date
hr | doctype | leave_control_panel
hr | doctype | leave_type
hr | doctype | salary_manager
hr | doctype | salary_slip
hr | doctype | salary_slip_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_slip_earning
hr | doctype | salary_structure
hr | doctype | salary_structure_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_structure_earning
hr | doctype | upload_attendance
hr | page | hr_home
hr | report | employee_birthday
hr | report | employee_information
hr | report | employee_leave_balance
hr | report | monthly_attendance_sheet
hr | report | monthly_salary_register
manufacturing | doctype | bom
manufacturing | doctype | bom_explosion_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_operation
manufacturing | doctype | bom_replace_tool
manufacturing | doctype | production_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_item
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_sales_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_planning_tool
manufacturing | doctype | workstation
manufacturing | page | manufacturing_home
manufacturing | report | completed_production_orders
manufacturing | report | issued_items_against_production_order
manufacturing | report | open_production_orders
manufacturing | report | production_orders_in_progress
projects | doctype | activity_type
projects | doctype | project
projects | doctype | project_milestone
projects | doctype | task
projects | doctype | time_log
projects | doctype | time_log_batch
projects | doctype | time_log_batch_detail
projects | page | projects_home
projects | report | daily_time_log_summary
projects | report | project_wise_stock_tracking
selling | Print Format | Quotation Classic
selling | Print Format | Quotation Modern
selling | Print Format | Quotation Spartan
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Classic
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Modern
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Spartan
selling | doctype | campaign
selling | doctype | customer
selling | doctype | customer_discount
selling | doctype | industry_type
selling | doctype | installation_note
selling | doctype | installation_note_item
selling | doctype | lead
selling | doctype | opportunity
selling | doctype | opportunity_item
selling | doctype | quotation
selling | doctype | quotation_item
selling | doctype | sales_bom
selling | doctype | sales_bom_item
selling | doctype | sales_order
selling | doctype | sales_order_item
selling | doctype | sales_team
selling | doctype | selling_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_price_list
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_shipping_rule
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_taxes_and_charges_master
selling | doctype | sms_center
selling | page | sales_analytics
selling | page | sales_browser
selling | page | sales_funnel
selling | page | selling_home
selling | report | available_stock_for_packing_items
selling | report | customer_addresses_and_contacts
selling | report | customers_not_buying_since_long_time
selling | report | item_wise_sales_history
selling | report | lead_details
selling | report | pending_so_items_for_purchase_request
selling | report | quotation_trends
selling | report | sales_order_trends
selling | report | sales_person_target_variance_item_group_wise
selling | report | sales_person_wise_transaction_summary
selling | report | territory_target_variance_item_group_wise
setup | doctype | applicable_territory
setup | doctype | authorization_control
setup | doctype | authorization_rule
setup | doctype | backup_manager
setup | doctype | brand
setup | doctype | company
setup | doctype | contact_control
setup | doctype | country
setup | doctype | currency
setup | doctype | currency_exchange
setup | doctype | customer_group
setup | doctype | email_digest
setup | doctype | email_settings
setup | doctype | features_setup
setup | doctype | global_defaults
setup | doctype | item_group
setup | doctype | jobs_email_settings
setup | doctype | naming_series
setup | doctype | notification_control
setup | doctype | print_heading
setup | doctype | quotation_lost_reason
setup | doctype | sales_email_settings
setup | doctype | sales_partner
setup | doctype | sales_person
setup | doctype | sms_parameter
setup | doctype | sms_settings
setup | doctype | supplier_type
setup | doctype | target_detail
setup | doctype | terms_and_conditions
setup | doctype | territory
setup | doctype | uom
setup | doctype | website_item_group
setup | page | setup
setup | page | setup_wizard
setup | report | item_wise_price_list_rate
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Classic
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Modern
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Packing List Wise
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Spartan
stock | Print Format | Purchase Receipt Format
stock | doctype | batch
stock | doctype | bin
stock | doctype | delivery_note
stock | doctype | delivery_note_item
stock | doctype | item
stock | doctype | item_customer_detail
stock | doctype | item_price
stock | doctype | item_quality_inspection_parameter
stock | doctype | item_reorder
stock | doctype | item_supplier
stock | doctype | item_tax
stock | doctype | item_website_specification
stock | doctype | landed_cost_item
stock | doctype | landed_cost_purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | landed_cost_wizard
stock | doctype | material_request
stock | doctype | material_request_item
stock | doctype | packed_item
stock | doctype | packing_slip
stock | doctype | packing_slip_item
stock | doctype | price_list
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt_item
stock | doctype | serial_no
stock | doctype | stock_entry
stock | doctype | stock_entry_detail
stock | doctype | stock_ledger_entry
stock | doctype | stock_reconciliation
stock | doctype | stock_settings
stock | doctype | stock_uom_replace_utility
stock | doctype | uom_conversion_detail
stock | doctype | warehouse
stock | doctype | warehouse_user
stock | page | stock_ageing
stock | page | stock_analytics
stock | page | stock_balance
stock | page | stock_home
stock | page | stock_ledger
stock | page | stock_level
stock | report | batch_wise_balance_history
stock | report | delivery_note_trends
stock | report | item_prices
stock | report | item_shortage_report
stock | report | items_to_be_requested
stock | report | itemwise_recommended_reorder_level
stock | report | material_requests_for_which_supplier_quotations_are_not_created
stock | report | ordered_items_to_be_delivered
stock | report | purchase_in_transit
stock | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_received
stock | report | purchase_receipt_trends
stock | report | requested_items_to_be_transferred
stock | report | serial_no_service_contract_expiry
stock | report | serial_no_status
stock | report | serial_no_warranty_expiry
stock | report | stock_ledger
stock | report | warehouse_wise_stock_balance
support | doctype | customer_issue
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_detail
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_item
support | doctype | maintenance_visit
support | doctype | maintenance_visit_purpose
support | doctype | newsletter
support | doctype | support_ticket
support | page | support_analytics
support | page | support_home
support | report | maintenance_schedules
utilities | doctype | address
utilities | doctype | contact
utilities | doctype | note
utilities | doctype | note_user
utilities | doctype | rename_tool
utilities | doctype | sms_control
utilities | doctype | sms_log
Completing App Import...
Updating patches...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 313, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in install
  File "", line 173, in install_erpnext
  File "lib/", line 34, in new_fn
    return fn(*args, **new_kwargs)
  File "lib/", line 217, in install
    inst.install(db_name, source_sql=source_sql, verbose=verbose, force=force, admin_password=admin_password)
  File "lib/webnotes/install_lib/", line 98, in install
    from import bundle
  File "lib/webnotes/", line 12, in <module>
    from cssmin import cssmin
ImportError: No module named cssmin



If you are posting an issue,

  1. We should be able to replicate it at our end. So please give us as much information as you can. Please see it from the point of view of the person receiving the communication.
  2. Paste your code at or and send only the URL via email
  3. For sending images, use or other similar services. Do not send images as attachments. Links are good. Same goes for any file you are going to send.


    End of Note

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    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

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Hi Fulvius,

I hit the very same issue today. I have already submitted a pull request to fix teh issue;

In the mean time, the fix is trivial, just edit the file and add a 'cssmin' to the requirements variable, then just start the install process again.

Good luck,

On Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:19:32 PM UTC-8, Fulvius Titanero Guelfi wrote:
 follow my screen with error

pls help me!!!
ro...@ip-172-31-15-74:~# python2.7 --create_user
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
Operating System = Linux
Python Version = 2.7.3
Distribution =  ubuntu
Installing Packages: (This may take some time)
python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb git memcached ntp vim screen htop
MySQL Root user's Password:
Installing Packages: mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
Installing Python Modules: (This may take some time)
Pre-requisites Installed
Cloning erpnext
Cloning wnframework

Installing ERPNext
ERPNext Database Name: erpnext
Created user erpnext
Created database erpnext
Granted privileges to user erpnext and database erpnext
Starting database import...
Imported from database lib/webnotes/../conf/Framework.sql
Installing app...
core | doctype | bulk_email
core | doctype | comment
core | doctype | communication
core | doctype | control_panel
core | doctype | custom_field
core | doctype | custom_script
core | doctype | customize_form
core | doctype | customize_form_field
core | doctype | default_home_page
core | doctype | defaultvalue
core | doctype | docfield
core | doctype | docperm
core | doctype | doctype
core | doctype | documentation_tool
core | doctype | event
core | doctype | event_role
core | doctype | event_user
core | doctype | file_data
core | doctype | letter_head
core | doctype | module_def
core | doctype | page
core | doctype | page_role
core | doctype | patch_log
core | doctype | print_format
core | doctype | profile
core | doctype | property_setter
core | doctype | report
core | doctype | role
core | doctype | scheduler_log
core | doctype | tag
core | doctype | todo
core | doctype | userrole
core | doctype | workflow
core | doctype | workflow_action
core | doctype | workflow_document_state
core | doctype | workflow_state
core | doctype | workflow_transition
core | page | data_import_tool
core | page | desktop
core | page | finder
core | page | messages
core | page | modules_setup
core | page | permission_manager
core | page | todo
core | page | user_properties
core | report | todo
website | doctype | about_us_settings
website | doctype | about_us_team_member
website | doctype | blog_category
website | doctype | blog_post
website | doctype | blog_settings
website | doctype | blogger
website | doctype | company_history
website | doctype | contact_us_settings
website | doctype | style_settings
website | doctype | table_of_contents
website | doctype | top_bar_item
website | doctype | web_page
website | doctype | website_script
website | doctype | website_settings
website | doctype | website_slideshow
website | doctype | website_slideshow_item
website | page | website_home
accounts | Print Format | Cheque Printing Format
accounts | Print Format | POS Invoice
accounts | Print Format | Payment Receipt Voucher
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Classic
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Modern
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Spartan
accounts | Print Format | SalesInvoice
accounts | doctype | account
accounts | doctype | accounts_settings
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution_detail
accounts | doctype | c_form
accounts | doctype | c_form_invoice_detail
accounts | doctype | cost_center
accounts | doctype | fiscal_year
accounts | doctype | gl_entry
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher_detail
accounts | doctype | mis_control
accounts | doctype | mode_of_payment
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail
accounts | doctype | period_closing_voucher
accounts | doctype | pos_setting
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule_condition
accounts | page | accounts_browser
accounts | page | accounts_home
accounts | page | financial_analytics
accounts | page | financial_statements
accounts | page | general_ledger
accounts | page | trial_balance
accounts | page | voucher_import_tool
accounts | report | accounts_payable
accounts | report | accounts_receivable
accounts | report | bank_clearance_summary
accounts | report | bank_reconciliation_statement
accounts | report | budget_variance_report
accounts | report | customer_account_head
accounts | report | delivered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | gross_profit
accounts | report | item_wise_purchase_register
accounts | report | item_wise_sales_register
accounts | report | ordered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | payment_collection_with_ageing
accounts | report | payment_made_with_ageing
accounts | report | purchase_invoice_trends
accounts | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | purchase_register
accounts | report | received_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | sales_invoice_trends
accounts | report | sales_partners_commission
accounts | report | sales_register
accounts | report | supplier_account_head
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Classic
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Modern
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Spartan
buying | doctype | buying_settings
buying | doctype | purchase_common
buying | doctype | purchase_order
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item_supplied
buying | doctype | purchase_receipt_item_supplied
buying | doctype | quality_inspection
buying | doctype | quality_inspection_reading
buying | doctype | supplier
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation_item
buying | page | buying_home
buying | page | purchase_analytics
buying | report | item_wise_purchase_history
buying | report | purchase_order_trends
buying | report | requested_items_to_be_ordered
buying | report | supplier_addresses_and_contacts
home | doctype | feed
home | page | activity
home | page | latest_updates
hr | doctype | appraisal
hr | doctype | appraisal_goal
hr | doctype | appraisal_template
hr | doctype | appraisal_template_goal
hr | doctype | attendance
hr | doctype | branch
hr | doctype | deduction_type
hr | doctype | department
hr | doctype | designation
hr | doctype | earning_type
hr | doctype | employee
hr | doctype | employee_education
hr | doctype | employee_external_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_internal_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_leave_approver
hr | doctype | employment_type
hr | doctype | expense_claim
hr | doctype | expense_claim_detail
hr | doctype | expense_claim_type
hr | doctype | grade
hr | doctype | holiday
hr | doctype | holiday_list
hr | doctype | hr_settings
hr | doctype | job_applicant
hr | doctype | job_opening
hr | doctype | leave_allocation
hr | doctype | leave_application
hr | doctype | leave_block_list
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_allow
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_date
hr | doctype | leave_control_panel
hr | doctype | leave_type
hr | doctype | salary_manager
hr | doctype | salary_slip
hr | doctype | salary_slip_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_slip_earning
hr | doctype | salary_structure
hr | doctype | salary_structure_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_structure_earning
hr | doctype | upload_attendance
hr | page | hr_home
hr | report | employee_birthday
hr | report | employee_information
hr | report | employee_leave_balance
hr | report | monthly_attendance_sheet
hr | report | monthly_salary_register
manufacturing | doctype | bom
manufacturing | doctype | bom_explosion_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_operation
manufacturing | doctype | bom_replace_tool
manufacturing | doctype | production_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_item
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_sales_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_planning_tool
manufacturing | doctype | workstation
manufacturing | page | manufacturing_home
manufacturing | report | completed_production_orders
manufacturing | report | issued_items_against_production_order
manufacturing | report | open_production_orders
manufacturing | report | production_orders_in_progress
projects | doctype | activity_type
projects | doctype | project
projects | doctype | project_milestone
projects | doctype | task
projects | doctype | time_log
projects | doctype | time_log_batch
projects | doctype | time_log_batch_detail
projects | page | projects_home
projects | report | daily_time_log_summary
projects | report | project_wise_stock_tracking
selling | Print Format | Quotation Classic
selling | Print Format | Quotation Modern
selling | Print Format | Quotation Spartan
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Classic
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Modern
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Spartan
selling | doctype | campaign
selling | doctype | customer
selling | doctype | customer_discount
selling | doctype | industry_type
selling | doctype | installation_note
selling | doctype | installation_note_item
selling | doctype | lead
selling | doctype | opportunity
selling | doctype | opportunity_item
selling | doctype | quotation
selling | doctype | quotation_item
selling | doctype | sales_bom
selling | doctype | sales_bom_item
selling | doctype | sales_order
selling | doctype | sales_order_item
selling | doctype | sales_team
selling | doctype | selling_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_price_list
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_shipping_rule
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_taxes_and_charges_master
selling | doctype | sms_center
selling | page | sales_analytics
selling | page | sales_browser
selling | page | sales_funnel
selling | page | selling_home
selling | report | available_stock_for_packing_items
selling | report | customer_addresses_and_contacts
selling | report | customers_not_buying_since_long_time
selling | report | item_wise_sales_history
selling | report | lead_details
selling | report | pending_so_items_for_purchase_request
selling | report | quotation_trends
selling | report | sales_order_trends
selling | report | sales_person_target_variance_item_group_wise
selling | report | sales_person_wise_transaction_summary
selling | report | territory_target_variance_item_group_wise
setup | doctype | applicable_territory
setup | doctype | authorization_control
setup | doctype | authorization_rule
setup | doctype | backup_manager
setup | doctype | brand
setup | doctype | company
setup | doctype | contact_control
setup | doctype | country
setup | doctype | currency
setup | doctype | currency_exchange
setup | doctype | customer_group
setup | doctype | email_digest
setup | doctype | email_settings
setup | doctype | features_setup
setup | doctype | global_defaults
setup | doctype | item_group
setup | doctype | jobs_email_settings
setup | doctype | naming_series
setup | doctype | notification_control
setup | doctype | print_heading
setup | doctype | quotation_lost_reason
setup | doctype | sales_email_settings
setup | doctype | sales_partner
setup | doctype | sales_person
setup | doctype | sms_parameter
setup | doctype | sms_settings
setup | doctype | supplier_type
setup | doctype | target_detail
setup | doctype | terms_and_conditions
setup | doctype | territory
setup | doctype | uom
setup | doctype | website_item_group
setup | page | setup
setup | page | setup_wizard
setup | report | item_wise_price_list_rate
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Classic
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Modern
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Packing List Wise
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Spartan
stock | Print Format | Purchase Receipt Format
stock | doctype | batch
stock | doctype | bin
stock | doctype | delivery_note
stock | doctype | delivery_note_item
stock | doctype | item
stock | doctype | item_customer_detail
stock | doctype | item_price
stock | doctype | item_quality_inspection_parameter
stock | doctype | item_reorder
stock | doctype | item_supplier
stock | doctype | item_tax
stock | doctype | item_website_specification
stock | doctype | landed_cost_item
stock | doctype | landed_cost_purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | landed_cost_wizard
stock | doctype | material_request
stock | doctype | material_request_item
stock | doctype | packed_item
stock | doctype | packing_slip
stock | doctype | packing_slip_item
stock | doctype | price_list
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt_item
stock | doctype | serial_no
stock | doctype | stock_entry
stock | doctype | stock_entry_detail
stock | doctype | stock_ledger_entry
stock | doctype | stock_reconciliation
stock | doctype | stock_settings
stock | doctype | stock_uom_replace_utility
stock | doctype | uom_conversion_detail
stock | doctype | warehouse
stock | doctype | warehouse_user
stock | page | stock_ageing
stock | page | stock_analytics
stock | page | stock_balance
stock | page | stock_home
stock | page | stock_ledger
stock | page | stock_level
stock | report | batch_wise_balance_history
stock | report | delivery_note_trends
stock | report | item_prices
stock | report | item_shortage_report
stock | report | items_to_be_requested
stock | report | itemwise_recommended_reorder_level
stock | report | material_requests_for_which_supplier_quotations_are_not_created
stock | report | ordered_items_to_be_delivered
stock | report | purchase_in_transit
stock | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_received
stock | report | purchase_receipt_trends
stock | report | requested_items_to_be_transferred
stock | report | serial_no_service_contract_expiry
stock | report | serial_no_status
stock | report | serial_no_warranty_expiry
stock | report | stock_ledger
stock | report | warehouse_wise_stock_balance
support | doctype | customer_issue
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_detail
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_item
support | doctype | maintenance_visit
support | doctype | maintenance_visit_purpose
support | doctype | newsletter
support | doctype | support_ticket
support | page | support_analytics
support | page | support_home
support | report | maintenance_schedules
utilities | doctype | address
utilities | doctype | contact
utilities | doctype | note
utilities | doctype | note_user
utilities | doctype | rename_tool
utilities | doctype | sms_control
utilities | doctype | sms_log
Completing App Import...
Updating patches...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 313, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in install
  File "", line 173, in install_erpnext
  File "lib/", line 34, in new_fn
    return fn(*args, **new_kwargs)
  File "lib/", line 217, in install
    inst.install(db_name, source_sql=source_sql, verbose=verbose, force=force, admin_password=admin_password)
  File "lib/webnotes/install_lib/", line 98, in install
    from import bundle
  File "lib/webnotes/", line 12, in <module>
    from cssmin import cssmin
ImportError: No module named cssmin



If you are posting an issue,

  1. We should be able to replicate it at our end. So please give us as much information as you can. Please see it from the point of view of the person receiving the communication.
  2. Paste your code at or and send only the URL via email
  3. For sending images, use or other similar services. Do not send images as attachments. Links are good. Same goes for any file you are going to send.


    End of Note

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ERPNext Developer Forum" group.

    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

    For more options, visit
It is all working


Em domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013 22h19min32s UTC-2, Fulvius Titanero Guelfi escreveu:
 follow my screen with error

pls help me!!!
ro...@ip-172-31-15-74:~# python2.7 --create_user
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
Operating System = Linux
Python Version = 2.7.3
Distribution =  ubuntu
Installing Packages: (This may take some time)
python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb git memcached ntp vim screen htop
MySQL Root user's Password:
Installing Packages: mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
Installing Python Modules: (This may take some time)
Pre-requisites Installed
Cloning erpnext
Cloning wnframework

Installing ERPNext
ERPNext Database Name: erpnext
Created user erpnext
Created database erpnext
Granted privileges to user erpnext and database erpnext
Starting database import...
Imported from database lib/webnotes/../conf/Framework.sql
Installing app...
core | doctype | bulk_email
core | doctype | comment
core | doctype | communication
core | doctype | control_panel
core | doctype | custom_field
core | doctype | custom_script
core | doctype | customize_form
core | doctype | customize_form_field
core | doctype | default_home_page
core | doctype | defaultvalue
core | doctype | docfield
core | doctype | docperm
core | doctype | doctype
core | doctype | documentation_tool
core | doctype | event
core | doctype | event_role
core | doctype | event_user
core | doctype | file_data
core | doctype | letter_head
core | doctype | module_def
core | doctype | page
core | doctype | page_role
core | doctype | patch_log
core | doctype | print_format
core | doctype | profile
core | doctype | property_setter
core | doctype | report
core | doctype | role
core | doctype | scheduler_log
core | doctype | tag
core | doctype | todo
core | doctype | userrole
core | doctype | workflow
core | doctype | workflow_action
core | doctype | workflow_document_state
core | doctype | workflow_state
core | doctype | workflow_transition
core | page | data_import_tool
core | page | desktop
core | page | finder
core | page | messages
core | page | modules_setup
core | page | permission_manager
core | page | todo
core | page | user_properties
core | report | todo
website | doctype | about_us_settings
website | doctype | about_us_team_member
website | doctype | blog_category
website | doctype | blog_post
website | doctype | blog_settings
website | doctype | blogger
website | doctype | company_history
website | doctype | contact_us_settings
website | doctype | style_settings
website | doctype | table_of_contents
website | doctype | top_bar_item
website | doctype | web_page
website | doctype | website_script
website | doctype | website_settings
website | doctype | website_slideshow
website | doctype | website_slideshow_item
website | page | website_home
accounts | Print Format | Cheque Printing Format
accounts | Print Format | POS Invoice
accounts | Print Format | Payment Receipt Voucher
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Classic
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Modern
accounts | Print Format | Sales Invoice Spartan
accounts | Print Format | SalesInvoice
accounts | doctype | account
accounts | doctype | accounts_settings
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation
accounts | doctype | bank_reconciliation_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_detail
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution
accounts | doctype | budget_distribution_detail
accounts | doctype | c_form
accounts | doctype | c_form_invoice_detail
accounts | doctype | cost_center
accounts | doctype | fiscal_year
accounts | doctype | gl_entry
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher
accounts | doctype | journal_voucher_detail
accounts | doctype | mis_control
accounts | doctype | mode_of_payment
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool
accounts | doctype | payment_to_invoice_matching_tool_detail
accounts | doctype | period_closing_voucher
accounts | doctype | pos_setting
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | purchase_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | purchase_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_advance
accounts | doctype | sales_invoice_item
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges
accounts | doctype | sales_taxes_and_charges_master
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule
accounts | doctype | shipping_rule_condition
accounts | page | accounts_browser
accounts | page | accounts_home
accounts | page | financial_analytics
accounts | page | financial_statements
accounts | page | general_ledger
accounts | page | trial_balance
accounts | page | voucher_import_tool
accounts | report | accounts_payable
accounts | report | accounts_receivable
accounts | report | bank_clearance_summary
accounts | report | bank_reconciliation_statement
accounts | report | budget_variance_report
accounts | report | customer_account_head
accounts | report | delivered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | gross_profit
accounts | report | item_wise_purchase_register
accounts | report | item_wise_sales_register
accounts | report | ordered_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | payment_collection_with_ageing
accounts | report | payment_made_with_ageing
accounts | report | purchase_invoice_trends
accounts | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | purchase_register
accounts | report | received_items_to_be_billed
accounts | report | sales_invoice_trends
accounts | report | sales_partners_commission
accounts | report | sales_register
accounts | report | supplier_account_head
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Classic
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Modern
buying | Print Format | Purchase Order Spartan
buying | doctype | buying_settings
buying | doctype | purchase_common
buying | doctype | purchase_order
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item
buying | doctype | purchase_order_item_supplied
buying | doctype | purchase_receipt_item_supplied
buying | doctype | quality_inspection
buying | doctype | quality_inspection_reading
buying | doctype | supplier
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation
buying | doctype | supplier_quotation_item
buying | page | buying_home
buying | page | purchase_analytics
buying | report | item_wise_purchase_history
buying | report | purchase_order_trends
buying | report | requested_items_to_be_ordered
buying | report | supplier_addresses_and_contacts
home | doctype | feed
home | page | activity
home | page | latest_updates
hr | doctype | appraisal
hr | doctype | appraisal_goal
hr | doctype | appraisal_template
hr | doctype | appraisal_template_goal
hr | doctype | attendance
hr | doctype | branch
hr | doctype | deduction_type
hr | doctype | department
hr | doctype | designation
hr | doctype | earning_type
hr | doctype | employee
hr | doctype | employee_education
hr | doctype | employee_external_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_internal_work_history
hr | doctype | employee_leave_approver
hr | doctype | employment_type
hr | doctype | expense_claim
hr | doctype | expense_claim_detail
hr | doctype | expense_claim_type
hr | doctype | grade
hr | doctype | holiday
hr | doctype | holiday_list
hr | doctype | hr_settings
hr | doctype | job_applicant
hr | doctype | job_opening
hr | doctype | leave_allocation
hr | doctype | leave_application
hr | doctype | leave_block_list
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_allow
hr | doctype | leave_block_list_date
hr | doctype | leave_control_panel
hr | doctype | leave_type
hr | doctype | salary_manager
hr | doctype | salary_slip
hr | doctype | salary_slip_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_slip_earning
hr | doctype | salary_structure
hr | doctype | salary_structure_deduction
hr | doctype | salary_structure_earning
hr | doctype | upload_attendance
hr | page | hr_home
hr | report | employee_birthday
hr | report | employee_information
hr | report | employee_leave_balance
hr | report | monthly_attendance_sheet
hr | report | monthly_salary_register
manufacturing | doctype | bom
manufacturing | doctype | bom_explosion_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_item
manufacturing | doctype | bom_operation
manufacturing | doctype | bom_replace_tool
manufacturing | doctype | production_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_item
manufacturing | doctype | production_plan_sales_order
manufacturing | doctype | production_planning_tool
manufacturing | doctype | workstation
manufacturing | page | manufacturing_home
manufacturing | report | completed_production_orders
manufacturing | report | issued_items_against_production_order
manufacturing | report | open_production_orders
manufacturing | report | production_orders_in_progress
projects | doctype | activity_type
projects | doctype | project
projects | doctype | project_milestone
projects | doctype | task
projects | doctype | time_log
projects | doctype | time_log_batch
projects | doctype | time_log_batch_detail
projects | page | projects_home
projects | report | daily_time_log_summary
projects | report | project_wise_stock_tracking
selling | Print Format | Quotation Classic
selling | Print Format | Quotation Modern
selling | Print Format | Quotation Spartan
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Classic
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Modern
selling | Print Format | Sales Order Spartan
selling | doctype | campaign
selling | doctype | customer
selling | doctype | customer_discount
selling | doctype | industry_type
selling | doctype | installation_note
selling | doctype | installation_note_item
selling | doctype | lead
selling | doctype | opportunity
selling | doctype | opportunity_item
selling | doctype | quotation
selling | doctype | quotation_item
selling | doctype | sales_bom
selling | doctype | sales_bom_item
selling | doctype | sales_order
selling | doctype | sales_order_item
selling | doctype | sales_team
selling | doctype | selling_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_price_list
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_settings
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_shipping_rule
selling | doctype | shopping_cart_taxes_and_charges_master
selling | doctype | sms_center
selling | page | sales_analytics
selling | page | sales_browser
selling | page | sales_funnel
selling | page | selling_home
selling | report | available_stock_for_packing_items
selling | report | customer_addresses_and_contacts
selling | report | customers_not_buying_since_long_time
selling | report | item_wise_sales_history
selling | report | lead_details
selling | report | pending_so_items_for_purchase_request
selling | report | quotation_trends
selling | report | sales_order_trends
selling | report | sales_person_target_variance_item_group_wise
selling | report | sales_person_wise_transaction_summary
selling | report | territory_target_variance_item_group_wise
setup | doctype | applicable_territory
setup | doctype | authorization_control
setup | doctype | authorization_rule
setup | doctype | backup_manager
setup | doctype | brand
setup | doctype | company
setup | doctype | contact_control
setup | doctype | country
setup | doctype | currency
setup | doctype | currency_exchange
setup | doctype | customer_group
setup | doctype | email_digest
setup | doctype | email_settings
setup | doctype | features_setup
setup | doctype | global_defaults
setup | doctype | item_group
setup | doctype | jobs_email_settings
setup | doctype | naming_series
setup | doctype | notification_control
setup | doctype | print_heading
setup | doctype | quotation_lost_reason
setup | doctype | sales_email_settings
setup | doctype | sales_partner
setup | doctype | sales_person
setup | doctype | sms_parameter
setup | doctype | sms_settings
setup | doctype | supplier_type
setup | doctype | target_detail
setup | doctype | terms_and_conditions
setup | doctype | territory
setup | doctype | uom
setup | doctype | website_item_group
setup | page | setup
setup | page | setup_wizard
setup | report | item_wise_price_list_rate
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Classic
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Modern
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Packing List Wise
stock | Print Format | Delivery Note Spartan
stock | Print Format | Purchase Receipt Format
stock | doctype | batch
stock | doctype | bin
stock | doctype | delivery_note
stock | doctype | delivery_note_item
stock | doctype | item
stock | doctype | item_customer_detail
stock | doctype | item_price
stock | doctype | item_quality_inspection_parameter
stock | doctype | item_reorder
stock | doctype | item_supplier
stock | doctype | item_tax
stock | doctype | item_website_specification
stock | doctype | landed_cost_item
stock | doctype | landed_cost_purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | landed_cost_wizard
stock | doctype | material_request
stock | doctype | material_request_item
stock | doctype | packed_item
stock | doctype | packing_slip
stock | doctype | packing_slip_item
stock | doctype | price_list
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt
stock | doctype | purchase_receipt_item
stock | doctype | serial_no
stock | doctype | stock_entry
stock | doctype | stock_entry_detail
stock | doctype | stock_ledger_entry
stock | doctype | stock_reconciliation
stock | doctype | stock_settings
stock | doctype | stock_uom_replace_utility
stock | doctype | uom_conversion_detail
stock | doctype | warehouse
stock | doctype | warehouse_user
stock | page | stock_ageing
stock | page | stock_analytics
stock | page | stock_balance
stock | page | stock_home
stock | page | stock_ledger
stock | page | stock_level
stock | report | batch_wise_balance_history
stock | report | delivery_note_trends
stock | report | item_prices
stock | report | item_shortage_report
stock | report | items_to_be_requested
stock | report | itemwise_recommended_reorder_level
stock | report | material_requests_for_which_supplier_quotations_are_not_created
stock | report | ordered_items_to_be_delivered
stock | report | purchase_in_transit
stock | report | purchase_order_items_to_be_received
stock | report | purchase_receipt_trends
stock | report | requested_items_to_be_transferred
stock | report | serial_no_service_contract_expiry
stock | report | serial_no_status
stock | report | serial_no_warranty_expiry
stock | report | stock_ledger
stock | report | warehouse_wise_stock_balance
support | doctype | customer_issue
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_detail
support | doctype | maintenance_schedule_item
support | doctype | maintenance_visit
support | doctype | maintenance_visit_purpose
support | doctype | newsletter
support | doctype | support_ticket
support | page | support_analytics
support | page | support_home
support | report | maintenance_schedules
utilities | doctype | address
utilities | doctype | contact
utilities | doctype | note
utilities | doctype | note_user
utilities | doctype | rename_tool
utilities | doctype | sms_control
utilities | doctype | sms_log
Completing App Import...
Updating patches...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 313, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in install
  File "", line 173, in install_erpnext
  File "lib/", line 34, in new_fn
    return fn(*args, **new_kwargs)
  File "lib/", line 217, in install
    inst.install(db_name, source_sql=source_sql, verbose=verbose, force=force, admin_password=admin_password)
  File "lib/webnotes/install_lib/", line 98, in install
    from import bundle
  File "lib/webnotes/", line 12, in <module>
    from cssmin import cssmin
ImportError: No module named cssmin



If you are posting an issue,

  1. We should be able to replicate it at our end. So please give us as much information as you can. Please see it from the point of view of the person receiving the communication.
  2. Paste your code at or and send only the URL via email
  3. For sending images, use or other similar services. Do not send images as attachments. Links are good. Same goes for any file you are going to send.


    End of Note

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ERPNext Developer Forum" group.

    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

    For more options, visit