Error Description too long for Maintenance Schedule (possible bug?)


I am referring to the Maintenance Module, i.e.Maintenance Schedule.

The user always get Error warning that Description is too long (“Value too big” as attached), and the user cannot physically delete whatever text on the Description as the setting is Read-only.

After looking deeper, Maintenance Schedule has a table called Maintenance Schedule Item. The field “Description” on “Maintenance Schedule Item”, the field type is set as “Data”, hence limitation of 140 characters.

In comparison, I have looked at how Maintenance Visit under the same Maintenance module is implemented.

Maintenance Visit has a table called Maintenance Visit Purpose. This table is very similar, where one needs to input the Item Code, Service Person, etc. For the field “Description” on “Maintenance Visit Purpose”, the field type is set as “Text Editor”. So, there is no such error.

Please advise whether this is intended.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

William J

I would suggest opening a github issue.

Thanks Ben. I have posted at GitHub. Error Description too long for Maintenance Schedule (possible bug?) · Issue #7444 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub