Error coming when bench start


My erp was work perfect when i moved from one server to another server but some redis cache was not cleared so i restarted bench again but it shows me error so i use command bench start but still I got below error. So please help me to to resolve this error

[frappe@cloud ~]$ bench start
23:29:44 system | workerbeat.1 started (pid=302)
23:29:43 workerbeat.1 | sh: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: No such file or directory
23:29:43 workerbeat.1 | sh: line 0: exec: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory
23:29:44 system | workerbeat.1 stopped (rc=126)
23:29:44 system | web.1 started (pid=305)
23:29:44 system | worker.1 started (pid=310)
23:29:44 system | socketio.1 started (pid=312)
23:29:44 worker.1 | sh: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: No such file or directory
23:29:44 worker.1 | sh: line 0: exec: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory
23:29:44 system | worker.1 stopped (rc=126)
23:29:44 system | redis_async_broker.1 started (pid=308)
23:29:44 system | redis_cache.1 started (pid=313)
23:29:44 system | sending SIGTERM to web.1 (pid 305)
23:29:44 system | sending SIGTERM to socketio.1 (pid 312)
23:29:44 system | sending SIGTERM to redis_async_broker.1 (pid 308)
23:29:44 system | sending SIGTERM to redis_cache.1 (pid 313)
23:29:44 system | socketio.1 stopped (rc=-15)
23:29:44 system | web.1 stopped (rc=-15)
23:29:44 system | redis_cache.1 stopped (rc=-15)
23:29:44 system | redis_async_broker.1 stopped (rc=-15)

Harsh Mehta

Start the bench from the frappe-bench folder.

Hello rmehta,

Thanks for your quick response. I have started bench using this below way as you suggested but still i got below error. So please check the way i had used is right as you suggested or it’s a wrong way.

[frappe@cloud frappe-bench]$ bench start
23:08:03 system | workerbeat.1 started (pid=15226)
23:08:03 system | web.1 started (pid=15229)
23:08:03 system | socketio.1 started (pid=15232)
23:08:03 system | worker.1 started (pid=15230)
23:08:03 worker.1 | sh: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: No such file or directory
23:08:03 workerbeat.1 | sh: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: No such file or directory
23:08:03 workerbeat.1 | sh: line 0: exec: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory
23:08:03 system | workerbeat.1 stopped (rc=126)
23:08:03 worker.1 | sh: line 0: exec: /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/…/env/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory
23:08:03 system | worker.1 stopped (rc=126)
23:08:03 system | redis_cache.1 started (pid=15231)
23:08:03 redis_cache.1 | [15231] 17 Feb 23:08:03.648 # Creating Server TCP listening socket *:11311: bind: Address already in use
23:08:03 system | redis_cache.1 stopped (rc=1)
23:08:03 system | redis_async_broker.1 started (pid=15233)
23:08:03 system | sending SIGTERM to web.1 (pid 15229)
23:08:03 system | sending SIGTERM to socketio.1 (pid 15232)
23:08:03 system | sending SIGTERM to redis_async_broker.1 (pid 15233)
23:08:03 system | web.1 stopped (rc=-15)
23:08:03 system | redis_async_broker.1 stopped (rc=-15)
23:08:03 system | socketio.1 stopped (rc=-15)

Harsh Mehta

I have started bench using this below way as you suggested but still i got below error. So please check the way i had used is right as you suggested or it’s a wrong way.