ERPNext for Travel agency business

I think I understand serial no. now. I edited the form to add origin field, but it doesn’t show. What do I need to do to make it show?

And is it possible to display these extra fields for specific products? Maybe another model with these details that is only related to Serial No, model with forms to show only when the product condition is met?

Show in screen display? Or show in your print format?

If you have just added the custom fields in the Serial Number document, you have to add the custom fields in the PO Item Doc and the Sales Invoice Item Doc.

The Field Names can be (or maybe should be) the same. Since your PNR, Booking Reference Number, etc. (The Serial Number on ERPNext) is generated at the time of you making purchases (of air tickets, Hotel Reservations, etc.), you should write a bit of a custom script that as you submit a PO document (with Update Stock checked), the script should write into the corresponding fields on the Serial Number document.

Now. you’ve completed the supply side. On the demand side, the custom fields of the Sales Invoice Item document need to be set to Read Only, and in Options you should point to where ERPNext should read those values from Serial Number. You can try naming those fields exactly the same as in the three documents (PO Item, Sales Invoice Item and Serial Number documents) and set “Serial Number” (without the quotes) in Options field.

That will complete the documents. Now, if you need to display those values in your PO and Invoice Print formats, you need to set up a a new print format and then click on the Items Table and ensure that the relevant fields you want displayed is checked.

I think you’re making progress, but you still have many miles to go.

Don’t give up! Persist!!





Where should I write the scripts you mention? On Odoo, for example, after adding relevant custom fields, it was enough to do <field name="field_name" /> on the relevant field and it’d automatically submit the data I’d provide. From what I understand, I’ve to add the field to the form and edit/add some script to submit. But where do I add this script?

I understand what I need to do, but I’m lost on how to implement those, hence my questions here. I will document here all the changes I end up doing as well.

Also, there’s been people who’s expressed interest in getting ERPNext for restaurants. I know there’s a restaurant POS module in development, but how do I get that? Is the devel flag on the installation script enough to get it? Or can I somehow graft the addon onto a stable release?

Finally, can the POS use customer-facing LED display?

Even I would like to know this.

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Hi guys, met a travel agency yesterday who has a current software to all this discussion. Here’s the way tickets, hotels and car rental are done.

  1. All or either are booked in Sabre/Amadeus software.
  2. The ticketing software creates a file on local server.
  3. The ERP software picks up this file and auto fills the information in correct locations in the Sales Invoice
  4. User fills other information and submits the invoice.

Spoke to Sabre and got the document which has information of fields that can be captured into any 3rd software for billing purposes.

So POS module cannot be used. A whole lot of customisation is needed for quotation and sales invoice. If we get this client order next week then we would be doing it.


Please keep us updated if you got the client order.

Hi @inews,
Did you manage to get ERPNext working for your travel agency?
I’m trying to do the same for mine. I want to have a system setup where I can see PNR numbers, Ticket numbers, sector, Class, buying & selling price, and customer details.
Would be great if you got this up and running and could share some pointers.


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We have create a custom solution for travel & tour Business, where you can managed

  • Tour Packages
  • Tour Booking
  • Clients Details
  • Passengers detail
  • Ticketing
  • Visa Services
  • Visa Agents
  • Transporters
  • Hotel Bookings
  • Hotel agents
  • add on services
  • integrated with accounts

Great. Does it pull data from Sabre terminal for airlines and hotels booking? Any git repository for the app? Thank you

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Interesting …more details?

Have you found a solution?

I want this custom solution for travel

I want this custom solution for travel

Hi @mkghaziani
can you please provide more details about your solution?
thank you

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I am interested. Please give me more details

Is there a telegram group for this industry?

If not, can somebody with some module create and so we can all enhance it? It may be suitable for getting onto FC Marketplace.

Do we have any industry specific groups? I think this is a great idea.

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Accounts Working Group - Telegram: Join Group Chat
Property Management Working Group - Telegram: Join Group Chat
Fleet and Transport Management Working Group - Telegram: Join Group Chat
Frappe Health Public - Telegram: Contact @frappehealth

These are the ones I know

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Sorry for the offtopic, but may I know why do you use Telegram? I prefer to use something with desktop access and thread features, like discord. Becasue telegram is so annoying. And a lot of open-source projects are already on discord witch is free.

Thank you

link goes to Fleet Management Group. Can you check it?