Mapping supplier workflow in ERPNext

Hello gays…
I want a little help

I use ERPNext 13.27.1 version.

I put a purchase order from a user account ( userone ), in here I set a another user ( usertwo ) as a supplier. Then I log into the my second user account ( usertwo ) , purchase order which I already created it is not visible inside my second user’s ( usertwo ) sales order section. what is the reason?

purchase user
purchase master manager
purchase master manager and customer roles are enable

sales user
sales master manager
sales master manager and supplier roles are enable
all document types for all user roles has 0 level permission ( sales order, sales invoice )

Thank you,
Buddhika S. Ranasinghe

You are trying to map 2 companies into 1. There is no automatic facility to create a sales order from a purchase order.

Thank you @rmehta

If is not facility. how can I do that ?