trial account - reset 1-user to default permissions?


I entered rather than imported Journal Entry data then somehow ran afoul with permissions…

Modules I access like Setup respond -
Not permitted You do not have enough permissions to access this resource. Please contact your manager to get access.

I see ‘bench reset-perms’ would work but I have no console access, correct?

I can Open User and Role Permissions and tried Accounts & Journal Entry ‘Restore Original Permissions’ but still get ‘Not permitted’ to access.

Please what are my options here or am I out of luck?



Sorry for the issue. It has been resolved in the version 8. It will fixed in your account after the upgrade.

That’s good news that I did not expect…

Thanks very much for your conscientious followup @ArundhatiS !

“Sorry for the issue. It has been resolved in the version 8. It will fixed in your account after the upgrade.”

Just to followup - I logged in just now and indeed the upgrdae solved the problem, thanks very much