ERPNext 12 VirtualBox ova import / installation / start fails

I’m using W10 Pro and latest version of VirtualBox 6.0.10.
Downloaded the latest version of Production ready VM, and imported it in VirtualBox.
When I start the VM, I get following error:

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine ERPNext.

Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED).

Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: ConsoleWrap
Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}


This has nothing to do with ERPNext. its your Virtualbox error. most probably your virtualbox is attempting HyperV as your backend. try the below command in CMD as administrator.

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off (then reboot your machine and try again)


Thanks @M27 , the command worked fine and resolved the VirtualBox error.
The ERPNext setup is a breeze…was able to login and do company setup in under 30 seconds…so now next few days exploring the test drive :slight_smile:

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I’m using W10 Pro and latest version of VirtualBox 6.0.10.
Downloaded the latest version of Production-ready VM, and imported it in VirtualBox.
When I start the VM, I get the following error:

I’m not a technical person, I have the same error on my machine. Can you explain step by step the commands I need to enter to fix error?

Thank you

Can you post your error screenshot?

Hello Suresh,

I am have an error that falls into this category. The following is my screenshot, for any help thanks in advance!

Hi, @Heri,

this is due to hyper-v

this is due to virtualization technology
visit this video link … it will be a useful