ERP installation error on ubuntu 18.04

upon installing version 12 i am facing error the error message is as follows
“could not find or access '/tem/.bench/playbooks/mysql_secure_installation.yml /on Ansible controller”

i am installing on ubuntu 18.04

Thanks in advance

Please paste the whole stack trace here and elaborate on what steps you took, so we can see where the error comes from. :slight_smile:

i followed the steps given on the discuss.erp and i was able to install it upto step 8
those steps are listed as below

  1. I have installed fresh Ubuntu 18.0.4LTS
  2. Ran the command apt-get update
  3. Ran the command apt-get upgrade
  4. Rebooted server
  5. apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-minimal redis-server build-essential
  6. created user erpnext

sudo adduser erpnext (Adding a new user erpnext)
usermod -aG sudo erpnext (giving proper permission)
su erpnext (login as erpnext user)

  1. Download the installation script by running below command:

  2. Then install the erpnext by using this command (it will take nearly 45 minits to run in 4GB virtualbox image, below command install all the requisite for erpnext (example nginx, mariadb etc ):sudo -H python3 --production --site localhost --user erpnext --mysql-root-password your_password --admin-password your_password --bench-name your_bench_name

please give me some time i will post screenshot of error


sending with the screenshot.

Thanks in advance

Try installing installing Ansible first, before running the command.

Thanks for reply
please help me with the installation step.

Thanks in advance