Enhancement Proposal - Item Tree based on UNSPSC GitHub #7123

As I continue getting familiar with the Configuration of ERPNext, I have stumbled upon the site where users can contribute translations and chart of accounts. I thought it owuld be a great addition to give the end-user an option to populate their Item Tree using the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code Hierarchy. The information is available in multiple languages, and I feel it would be a great addition to ERPNext to help ease in the “guesswork” of creating your own item tree.

The lists cost money to download, but I found several lists available for free online.

  • [ ] Create a Table that includes the UNSPSC contents to add categories to Item Tree in ERPNext

  • [ ] Configure user option to select or decline the population of item tree hierarchy with such list

  • [ ] Allow for user to select only specific categories (turn on and off) to be shown

  • [ ] Configure ERPNext such that when items are added, they can add any UNSPSC code, but keep the option in Item Tree View to see only those categories for which items have been created in ERPNext.

See GitHub Issue #7123