Employee submit self attendance

When i add employees, can they on their own submit their attendance?
I don’t want to give them HR User role.
When i do that they are able to submit their attendance but also reading other’s attendances.

When i provide Employee role than they can not submit their attendance.


You should be able to achieve this by adding Apply user permission and adding if Employee is permitted in Role permission manager.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you

I am trying to acheive the same in Frappe v13.00 onwards, but I am unable to see such prompts under:
Role Permission Manager > Document Type:Attendace > Role:HR User

Can you please point me to the right direction.

Thank you for your valuable time.


This is the old permission manager (prior to v10).

Can you state what’s your use case/goal to be achieved?

If you simply want to allow them to submit their attendance, give submit permission to Employee role:

User Permissions are managed by a separate document now:



Thank you for the quick response.

Our HR managers want to allow employees to be able to do the following:

  1. An Employee be able to see there attendance, but not of others.
  2. An Employee can mark there own attendance using there own account.

That’s the current use case.


This is solved by giving create permission on Attendance to Employee as posted above.

Create a permission like this for each employee:

The documentation is already posted above.

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May I ask on what modules I have to allow the user to be able to see there attendance and mark them as well, or they are able to see that in there user profile?

I can think of these:

  1. HR
  2. Employee

Please correct me if I am wrong.

You don’t need to allow any modules. Just give them access from the permission manager for required doctypes and then user permission.

I would suggest taking a look at this video to figure out how the permissions work in general:

Alright, noted.

I will give it a go to the user permission docs and this video you’ve mentioned on this thread.

Thank you.