Employee Advance / Expense Claim - same as "Reimbursement" isn't it?

Among other confusing ERPNext feature is the one in HR/Expense Claim menu

  1. What are the functions on creating/submitting Travel Request? After it get submitted then what are the purpose of entering costing detail? How to fund this travel?
  2. After submitting Employee Advance, sending Payment, and creating Expense Claim, why is the claimed amount not added? In a case of the expense is lower than transferred amount, how an employee know what is the amount they have to return?
  3. On entering Expense Claim, why there is a Payable Account column to enter? How to deduct the asset amount mentioned in the Employee Account after claiming the expense? Why expense claim is creating journal entries against a payable account and when paid it will create payable account against cash/bank account? It doesn’t make any sense…
    Shouldn’t the transaction be like:
    1. Employee Advance Payment (ok):
      D: Cash Advance 5000 EMPNO
      C: Cash/Bank 5000

    2. Expense Claim:
      D: Expense 1000
      C: Payable 1000 EMPNO

    3. Expense Claim Payment:
      D: Payable 1000 EMPNO
      C: Cash/Bank 1000 (Why?)

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