Email Campaigns in progress for days - stuck process?

Email Campaign are not being sent. The status is stuck at “In Progress” for some days now.

How do I begin yo troubleshoot this?

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Same issue here

To troubleshoot a ‘stuck’ or ‘hung’ process

On the server end - files in the logs/ directory record activity and report any errors.

On the client web browser end - check the console for error reports (for eg in the case of Chrome, ctrl+shift+i to open its console, or ctrl+shift+k in FireFox)

Also clear the cache of these two. A forum search will give you clues and pointers…

Same issue here. Any advice can someone expert help with this?

I’ve updated to v13 but the issue still persists, I’ve checked on Background Jobs but none there.

I can send communications e-mails, but not e-mail campaigns.

Someone can help?

Anyone can give help on it?