Email Alert + SMS

I have searched and could see that we have no SMS option on the Email alert …
This because i can send the email but would be great to have the option to SMS also to the same person or groups…

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@Helio_Jesus I will suggest to put some bounty on SMS Alert.
lots of people want Auto SMS Alert feature.


@kolate_sambhaji nice to hear that.
Unfortunately my company is not yet ready for bounty… So i will try to do something local and share with who would like to contribute or improve


Did you make progress on this?



In new version v11 Email Alert changed to Notification.

In notification we can set both email alert and sms alert.


This is some good news. Time to check it out. Thanks for responding. Highly appreciated.

I just did a check on a version I just installed.
ERPNext: v11.x.x-develop (749094d) (develop)

Frappe Framework: v11.x.x-develop (3091bdd) (develop)

I see email and slack as the options.
Is there a newer version?