Email Adding address

When I am trying to add email account I get this message

You do not have enough permissions to access this resource. Please contact your manager to get access.

Check your user permissions. You need to have permission for System Manager to create Email Account. Check with your manager for the same.

Go into Role permission manager, select Document Type as Email Account and check the permissions to the users for the same


Already set

The error still happen

It is a fresh installation . Every thing still on default

Allow same permissions for the the role Inbox User as System Manager (mark all check boxes) then click on set user permissions above. Do a hard refresh by CTRL+SHIFT+R and then try to create the Email Account

Sorry . I did all above , still the error !!

I guess it is because of the version you are using. Please check for the same.

I have v13 on Ubuntu 20.04

Please connect to ERPNext support in the Help link.

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Thank you for your response . I think it something related to server setting