Effect of discount is not getting reflected on invoice when coupon code applied from shopping cart

The effect of the discount is not reflected in the sales invoice when the coupon code is applied.
Pricing rule on Transaction
Discount on: Net Amount
Coupon code applied: Shopping Cart

Discount is reflected in quotation and sales order as an additional discount in Additional Discounts and Coupon Code

When comes to invoices the discount amount is shown in the Additional Discount Amount. On save value reset to 0.

I am having the same issue in Quotations and Purchase orders.

In Quotations when I try to add a discount, it is reset to 0 in the “Additional Discounts” area. The grand total number doesn’t change, but the “In Words” changes to reflect the discount. The Payment Terms also reflect the discount.

Is this a bug? The change happened fairly recently.


Scott =)