Education Module: can't create assessment group because of parent assessment group

Good day everyone, anyone here using Education module? here is my scenario I tried to create an assessment group under Education module. but I can’t create one due to parent assessment group, when I tried to create a parent assessment group it shows the same form in assessment group, so I think this is impossible to create, I check the Doctype for Assessment Group then the Parent Assessment Group field is link to the Assessment Group. so it means need to create assessment group before I can create a parent that looks strange.

Hi there,

In all Frappe tree structures, there’s a default root node, usually called “All …”. For your first nodes, you should set the Parent Assessment Group to “All Assessment Groups”.

Hi brother, can you show how to set up this one ? I’m new in frappe and I check this node but I don’t know how to set. thanks. I am not spoon feeding but to be honest I dont know how.

Same issue, i reported on GitHub, but still no fix yet

the default node is not exist when installing the module manually or it’s bug on V14, on V13 no issue

Hey Can one let me know how to resolve this issue?

The only solution right now is to use V13

i am unable to downgrade the version. Can u please the resource for the same? Thanks in advance.

Read this thread, it may help you

The Assessment Group fix has been implemented, but for some reason it is not working for me.

What worked for me is this


  1. search for System Console in the awesome bar
  2. Open it
  3. set Type to “Python”
  4. Paste the code below in “console”
if not frappe.db.exists("Assessment Group", "All Assessment Groups"):
            "doctype": "Assessment Group",
            "assessment_group_name": "All Assessment Groups",
            "is_group": 1
  1. set “Commit” as checked
  2. At the top right side of screen click “Execute”

This will create a base group All Assessment Groups, and allow you to subsequently create your assessment groups

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