Easy install fails at TASK [bench : python3 bench init for develop]

Clean Centos7 install machine.

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“bench”, “init”, “/home/frappe/frappe-bench”, “–frappe-branch”, “develop”, “–python”, “python3”], “delta”: “0:00:03.477195”, “end”: “2018-03-18 22:19:28.147761”, “failed”: true, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2018-03-18 22:19:24.670566”, “stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/bin/bench", line 11, in \n load_entry_point(‘bench’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘bench’)()\n File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/cli.py", line 40, in cli\n bench_command()\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 722, in call\n return self.main(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 697, in main\n rv = self.invoke(ctx)\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1066, in invoke\n return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 895, in invoke\n return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)\n File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 535, in invoke\n return callback(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/commands/make.py", line 28, in init\n python \t\t = python)\n File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 57, in init\n setup_env(bench_path=path, python = python)\n File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 159, in setup_env\n python = which(python, raise_err = True)\n File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 153, in which\n executable = executable\nValueError: python3 not found.”, “stderr_lines”: [“Traceback (most recent call last):”, " File "/bin/bench", line 11, in “, " load_entry_point(‘bench’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘bench’)()”, " File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/cli.py", line 40, in cli", " bench_command()“, " File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 722, in call”, " return self.main(*args, **kwargs)“, " File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 697, in main”, " rv = self.invoke(ctx)“, " File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1066, in invoke”, " return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))“, " File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 895, in invoke”, " return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)“, " File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 535, in invoke”, " return callback(*args, **kwargs)“, " File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/commands/make.py", line 28, in init”, " python \t\t = python)“, " File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 57, in init”, " setup_env(bench_path=path, python = python)“, " File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 159, in setup_env”, " python = which(python, raise_err = True)“, " File "/home/frappe/.bench/bench/utils.py", line 153, in which”, " executable = executable", “ValueError: python3 not found.”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: []}
to retry, use: --limit @/tmp/.bench/playbooks/site.retry

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=36 changed=20 unreachable=0 failed=1

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “install.py”, line 387, in
File “install.py”, line 109, in install_bench
run_playbook(‘site.yml’, sudo=True, extra_vars=extra_vars)
File “install.py”, line 325, in run_playbook
success = subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=os.path.join(cwd, ‘playbooks’))
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/subprocess.py”, line 542, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘ansible-playbook’, ‘-c’, ‘local’, ‘site.yml’, ‘-e’, ‘@/tmp/extra_vars.json’, ‘–become’, ‘–become-user=frappe’]’ returned non-zero exit status 2
HEY! USE SCREEN -bash-4.2$

I still see Python 2.7

I performed the easy install script which install 2.7 since this is the preceding messages.

Package git- already installed and latest version
Package python-setuptools-0.9.8-7.el7.noarch already installed and latest version
Package python-devel-2.7.5-58.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-8.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package libffi-devel-3.0.13-18.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version

Anyone else experiencing issues with easy install on a clean machine? Do I need to manually install python3 and rerun the install script. Thanks,

@codingCoffee. The task is failing.

How can I get the task to not fail so I can get past the easy install? I assumed it would install the correct version of python. Thanks

Replicable. I’ll dispatch the fix. Meanwhile, can you create an issue on GitHub as well and have it assigned? Easier to track.

Done. Ticket #13334 Thanks, Kevin

is this resolved. I am still facing this issue with easy install.

What is the alternate option for this then?