Dropbox Backup question - UnicodeDecodeError arabic locale

Hello guys
Just checking for any new news regarding this problem of mine,
Thank you

@clarkej @saurabh6790

i tried and reset the server and made a fresh install ( after a lot of work due to easy install didnot work for me and used the manual part that took me a while to get everything in correct place ) and tried again with dropbox backup but still does not upload private files or files to dropbox, only database
i tried manual backup and it worked, it sent me an email with a link to database, private files folder and files folder and i downloaded them manually

“Just checking for any new news regarding this problem of mine,”

Please report it here Issues · frappe/erpnext · GitHub and include there a reference link to this thread, thanks.

@clarkej @saurabh6790
My problem is fixed, and this is how i fixed it,
I checked perl locals settings and found out that there is no arabic local ar-utf-8 setting in iy, i added it to the en-utf-8 and tried backup again, and it worked for all files
Thanks guys, but did not think that the solution would be that simple :slight_smile:
Hope it would help other guys if they face same error but with other languages
i used this lilnk to change perl locals so thought i would help other people on how to do it

Good to hear you fixed your problem, thanks for your update.