Double Horizontal Scrollbar and unable to set width for columns on report builder


following Double horizontal scrollbar on report builder · Issue #12520 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub and after updating to latest version today I’m still experiencing troubles in the report builder.

My report has the following info

  "fields": [
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
      "Sales Invoice"
  "order_by": "`tabSales Invoice`.`posting_time` desc",
  "add_total_row": 1,
  "filters": [
      "Sales Invoice",
      "Sales Invoice",
      "not like",

I still see a double horizontal bar and I still cannot resize the columns as I see fit.

The moment I add a new column they get reset and half the columns are near 15px wide which means they’re unreadable.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot?

PS: In firefox I see 2 scrollbars in chrome one.
PS2: The problem with the widths is the same on both browsers.

I also noticed that I can remove the extra scrollbar by adding

.body-scrollable {
    overflow: visible;