Documentation : New design // Pls. comment

This would have been a good point to address with the documentation team as well.
And does it make sense to have a version based documentation approach OR tagging like (feature only v11.2.1) …

The documentation in the way is beautiful, but doesnt meet the pace at which the feature changes unless we say, we only have docs for the latest and greatest and abandon the older version. That might be a strategy. But needs to be agreed.

Good question to follow up.

Just courious to know how we preserve the earlier version of core in GitHub. And is it anyway possible to have a backup of earlier docs as a pdf copy or wiki (whatever is best) along with earlier versions.

I read somewhere on GitHub that for book writing project, it’s being used… Maybe we should explore or to fasttrack it, someone good at using GitHub can navigate the documentation team.

With regards to Screencast, I think we should have captions with erpnext version, so that a newbee user doesn’t get lost, if what he/she looking at is outdated - I suffered that pain when I first started :wink:

Good points.
These things should go into best practices & writing (screencasting) guidelines.
Keep up the suggestions.