Docker setup with different https port

Hi there,

We setup ERP next as a production environment and runs on succesfully. I can login, database works fine and am able to browse the erp next website.

The issue we are are having is that we are unable to download PRIVATE attachments from a stock item. Although we are able to upload attachments and are able to download public attachments. Notice that the attachments are saved in the private directory.

In order to get the erp next to run on port 4443 we made the following change to the docker-compose.yml file: instead of 80 → 480 and instead of 443 → 4443.


- “480:80”
- “4443:443”

We checked the docker nginx volume and can indeed see the files when uploaded as public in the public directory and private uploaded files in the private directory.


When checking the nginx configuration file we did notice the public settings to the public attachments directory but didn’t see a private nginx settings to the private directory.

Can anyone suggest what goes wrong?

Thanks for your help

Check if this helps,

Check traefik docs to modify configuration further.

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