Difference between Status, Doc Status, workflow state

Hi there

sorry for the very basic question, but is anywhere a documentation for integrators/developers on how status works? and what are the difference between doc status, workflow state?

the official tutorial I was reading seems to me very coincise / high level point of view document so apparently everything seems to be easy. After that even trying to repeat the tutorial example about new workflow is getting me in continuous errors and obstacles. For this I decided to come back and make a clarification process about how thing works.

About detailed reference documentation my feeling is that the only way to have details is just going deep in the code , isn’t it?

Thanks a lot for your attention
very appreciated


Here are some documentation links for workflow. Hope it helps.




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-Document Status (docstatus) is a standard field in all doctypes (0 - draft, 1 - submitted, 2- cancelled)

-Workflow status for one document cannot be updated based on the status
of other transactions. Workflow is mainly design for the approval process.


Thanks for the 2nd link .

thanks for your asnwer.

Workflow status for one document cannot be updated based on the status
of other transaction

in which way this is enforced?

Hi, i recently created a Sales Order WF, so basically i want 1 SO checked by user A first, then approved by user B later…

So i created the WF but now some SO that has status Overdue, Deliver & Bill, and Closed can’t be open…

The file can open only after the WF is deactivated…

is it because the Overdue etc status not include at WF process?

i see only 3 Docstatus, Saved, Submitted, and Cancelled…

Can i add the overdue etc status to my WF so SO with that status can be open as usual?



how to set the status to custom string like ‘overdue’ or ‘to bill’ ? in python and in js…