Developer Mode error

Hi guys,

New here and new to coding albeit I’ve been doing this full time for about a month now from the ground up.

I’m having issues getting my bench into developer mode. I installed the developer side using the easy install BETA, I’m on UBUNTU 14.04.

I’ve trawled through the forum trying to find a solution but I’ve tried almost everything on there and can’t seem to find the problem or solution.

I’ve changed the site’s config to the following:

“db_name”: “00299a408d”,
“db_password”: “fEruNFAUPavirZm5”,
“developer_mode”: 1,

cleared the cache and tried the desk reload, can’t see my developer icon.

I then went into to the common site config and did the same to no avail.

I see people saying that this needs to be done on a seperate site1, I don’t seem to have site1.

Any help would be much appreciated, I’m just going in circles at the moment.

Maybe it’s just that the icon isn’t showing up, which is also odd however.

Can you go into “Explore” and see if there is a “Developer” tab on the left?

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Hi, yeah it’s just the icon!


One Issue, I can clearly see is the , (coma) at the end of the last line.

instead of this

"db_name": "00299a408d", 
"db_password": "fEruNFAUPavirZm5", 
"developer_mode": 1, 

it should be like this

"db_name": "00299a408d", 
"db_password": "fEruNFAUPavirZm5", 
"developer_mode": 1 
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Hi Ruchin,

Yeah sorry, that’s a typo. I can get into developer and create and modify DocTypes, I just don’t get the icons, I’m missing the Icons for everything except explore and tools.

Check the modules accessed to you.
May be it got unchecked from setup.

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bench switch-to-develop
bench restart

I hope you will get those icons