Delivery Note form seems to override link titles

I want to show custom title for the Batch doctype. It is working as expected with the Purchase Receipt but Delivery Note form seems to override my settings.

This is the screenshot for the Purchase Receipt. (This is how I configured in the Batch customization form)

This is the screenshot for the Delivery Note.

I’ve added 2 new fields (en, boy) for the Batch doctype. I’ve added them to search field and Display section of the title field. These are my settings for that doctype.

What can I do about it? Can it be related to the new version? Should I report it on Github?

PS: Delivery Note also has some problems with the custom script. I can run the example of the overriding link on the “Bank Reconciliation” form but not in the “Delivery Note” form. It works as expected in the first run but after the second run or changing active fields, it doesn’t filter links.

PS2: It should be related to Different [Batch No] Search Fields in Purchase Receipt Item & Delivery Note Item Form